Asset CleanUp Pro - Performance WordPress Plugin

Nulled Asset CleanUp Pro - Performance WordPress Plugin (Untouched)

No permission to download - 15 Jun 2024

* Backend Speed Improvement: The plugin processes its PHP code faster, thus reducing the total processing time by ~40 milliseconds for non-cached pages (e.g. backend speed testing plugins such as "Query Monitor" and "Code Profiler" were used to optimize the PHP code)
* "Overview" area: Added the option to clear any rules set for plugins that are deactivated / deleted
* Fix: Sometimes rules were applied to hardcoded assets incorrectly as different tags without content were considered to be the same
* Fix: Make sure the "Update" button is disabled when submitting the form from the CSS/JS manager
* Fix in the "CSS/JS manager" area: If an attribute is set (e.g. "defer') to show "everywhere", make sure that "On this page" is not checked
* Fixes in "Overview" area: If an attribute is set (e.g. "defer") to show "everywhere", it shows multiple times (instead of just once) when WPML plugin is enabled; If the path to the site URL was e.g., the "href" value from "Overview" was not including the "blog" path, causing 404 Not fFund errors and confusing the administrator - 1 July 2023
* "Overview" area: Added notifications about deleted posts, post types, taxonomies and users, making the admin aware that some rules might not be relevant anymore (e.g. the admin uninstalled WooCommerce, but unload rules about "product" post types or a specific product page remained in the database)
* Stopped using the "error" class (e.g. on HTML DIV elements) and renamed it to "wpacu-error" as some plugins/themes sometimes interfere with it (e.g. not showing the error at all, thus confusing the admin)
* Keep the same strict standard for the values within the following HTML attributes: "id", "for" to prevent any errors by avoiding any interferences with other plugins
* Fix: Some rules were not fully exported & imported (e.g. the rules from "termmeta" and "usermeta" tables)
* PHP 8.2.7 compatibility - 2 March 2023
* Improvement: Avoid deprecated errors related to PHP 8+ (although harmless, they are annoying to notice in the error_log files)
* Improvement: When using plugins such as "Learndash", the post types weren't detected in the permalinks structure when plugin unload rules had to be applied
* Fix / PHP Warning: Undefined array key "script_src_or_inline_and_noscript_inline_tags" in [...]/templates/meta-box-loaded-assets/_assets-hardcoded-list.php / Sometimes, if there are no STYLES OR SCRIPTS to be detected on a specific page (it rarely happens), the list of assets will not be fetched in PHP 8+
* Fix: Plugin unload & load exception rules weren't working on specific environments within "Plugins Manager"
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