Blocksy Companion Pro The Most Innovative, Lightning Fast And Super Charged

Untouched Blocksy Companion Pro The Most Innovative, Lightning Fast And Super Charged 2.0.65 (Untouched)

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V2.0.65 September 5, 2024

Better integrate demo importer with Fluent Booking plugin
Include custom palettes in customizer export file
8/22/2024 V2.0.63

Add visibility option for Added to Cart Popup
Content blocks - better compatibility with WowStore (ProductX) plugin
Correctly compute stock status for attribute terms in swatches
Filters canvas - make sure filters are properly displayed when panel AJAX reveal is enabled
Improved calculation of total rating in Advanced Reviews
Trigger Added to Cart Popup when clicking the button in floating cart
Variation swatches - make sure color swatches are rendered correctly inside off canvas panel
Version: 2.0.51 May 30, 2024

Ajax shop filters - don't scroll from top to bottom
Correctly load JS translations for the Blocksy Companion
Shop Extra Filters - Lookup table regeneration sometimes is stuck or is finished with error
Shop Extra Filters - lookup table regeneration sometimes triggered twice
Small layout issue with checkout page and quantity data
Variation Swatches - add option to generate variation url in address bar
WooCommerce coupon code not applying correctly in some certain scenarios
Version: 2.0.39 Released on April 11, 2024

Better handling for product gallery navigation (thumbnails and dots)
Dynamic Data block - better check for brands taxonomy presence
Dynamic data block preview issue in WordPress 6.5 when placed inside patterns
Related products module (slider type) - add color options to next/prev buttons
Search module - add support for searching by taxonomy name
Single product gallery - pause video when lightbox is opened
Wishlist better integration with Product Addons plugin
WooCommerce Advanced Reviews - better calculation of rating count
Single product gallery videos fail to play on mobile
Single product page becomes un-scrollable on mobile if video is played in the gallery

Version: 2.0.38 Released on April 4, 2024​

Introduce a WP CLI command for installing a starter site in one step
Make sure Product Reviews extension post contents is searchable
Version: 2.0.31 Released on March 14, 2024

Compare View does not show all attributes
Post Types Extra - post filters type 2 color improvements
Product Taxonomy ID doesn't show the selected taxonomy in conditions module
Product with default variations does not show the entire variation library if swatches are enabled

Version: 2.0.22 Released on January 25, 2024​

General fixes and improvements

Version: 2.0.19 Released on January 18, 2024​

  • Better and safer check for current user capabilities when retrieving options from db
  • Filters don't apply if attributes and categories have non latin slugs
  • Improve filters counter logic and use attributes lookup table for speed if available
  • Off canvas Ajax filters loads entire filter catalogue on category pages
  • Featured image with video thumbnails - Vimeo videos are incorrectly triggered if there are multiple players on the same page
  • Filters hierarchy issue in preview mode when "Expandable" option is off
Version: 1.9.8 Released on October 12, 2023

General fixes and improvements
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