CSS Hero Animator

Untouched CSS Hero Animator 0.9.2

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CSS Hero Animator​

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Download CSS Hero Animator = csshero.org/animator/

Animator: the best animation plugin in the WordPress town.​

Add awesome scroll and time based animation effects to your WordPress sites, with an easy but powerful point and click interface.

Point, Click and Animate​

Animator comes with 3 different animation modes to easily animate any element on your WordPress site.


Tween animations based on element percent position in viewport. Typical use case is applying images a vertical position offset on scroll to achieve parallax effect.

Trigger specific css styles and transformations after a fixed amout of scrolled pixels. Typical use case is applying state specific styles to a header upon scroll.

Create time based animations. Set duration, easing and animation repeat options to spice up element appearence. Typical use case is adding a float animation to an element to make it pop.

Precisely build scroll based animations​

Build complex parallax animations with ease by assigning step values. Transitions will be silk-smooth, as Animator applies tweening based on the element’s position in the viewport.

Animate a huge variety of CSS properties​

With Animator you can tween a wide list of CSS properties to achieve cool scroll animation effects.

Works with your current WordPress setup​

Whether you're working with a standard WordPress Theme or a with a Page builder, the Animator plugin will work out of the box on any element on your site, with a very small footprint.

LERP: build natural animations with Linear Interpolations​

Use Linear Interpolation to smoothen and make more organic element's scroll behaviours. The higher the value the longest the interpolation will be.

A light footprint​

Animations can be a huge pain for browsers, Animator uses most modern JS techniques to avoid this relying on browser's native animation engine as much as possible.

Built with React
React is a modern JS library created by Meta. It uses browser's Virtual DOM to ensure a responsive, fast and reliable user experience.

Animator takes advantage of modern JS techinques to keep the user experience as smooth as possible. Elements are animated only when in the viewport to avoid overloading the browser.

Fully programmable​

Gain extra control on your animations with Animator's data object. Manually edit it's content or program it to perform complex operations.
The Guardian
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