Happy Elementor Addons Pro

Untouched Happy Elementor Addons Pro 2.12.0 (Untouched)

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v2.12.0 12 June 2024​

New: Advanced Comparison Table Widget.

3.11.0 - 30 May 2024

- New: Lightbox Widget.
- Fix: GravityForms style issue.
- Fix: Security improvement for Image Accordion widget.
- Fix: Security improvement for Post Navigation widget.

18 April 2024

Update: Made Compatible with Elementor 3.21
4 April 2024

Update: Made Compatible with WordPress 6.5 & Elementor 3.20
4 March 2024 V 2.11.0

  • New: Global Badge feature.
  • Fix: Bug fixes and performance improvements.
  • Fix: Compatible with Elementor 3.19.x and Elementor Pro 3.19.x
  • Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the Team Carousel widget
  • Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the Logo Carousel widget
  • Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the Testimonial Carousel widget
  • Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the Twitter Feed Carousel widget
  • Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the Post Carousel widget
  • Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the Product Carousel widget
  • Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the Product Category Carousel widget
  • Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the EDD Product Carousel widget
  • Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the EDD Category Carousel widget
  • Update: Appsero SDK to version 2.0.0 and Appsero Updater included
  • Update: Regenerate Social Icon preset json code
  • Update: RTL support added to the Team Carousel widget
  • Update: RTL support added to the Logo Carousel widget
  • Update: RTL support added to the Testimonial Carousel widget
  • Update: RTL support added to the Twitter Carousel widget
  • Update: RTL support added to the Post Carousel widget
  • Update: RTL support added to the EDD Product Carousel widget
  • Update: RTL support added to the Product Carousel widget
  • Update: RTL support added to the Product Category Carousel widget
  • Update: RTL support added to the EDD Category Carousel widget
v2.7.2 - 11 April 2023
- New: Reworked the preset feature improving its UI and UX.
- New: Live copy paste, cross domain copy paste and section features compatibility with container.
- Tweak: Added country option in display condition.
- Fix: Unfold widget minor issue.
- Fix: Sticky video AutoPlay issue.
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