WebViewGold for Android – WebView URL/HTML to Android app + Push, URL Handling, APIs & much more!

Untouched WebViewGold for Android – WebView URL/HTML to Android app + Push, URL Handling, APIs & much more! 12.0

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WebViewGold. The WebView solution that just works.​

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Let’s convert your websites and web apps into apps for Android! This WebView app template supports all kinds of web apps/websites (including HTML, PHP, WordPress, Progressive Web Apps, HTML 5 Games, WiX, Jimdo, apprat.io, bubble, Webflow, ...). WebViewGold comes with a 100% Google Play Store approval guarantee: Receive a full refund of your license if Google rejects your app built with WebViewGold (by claiming within 14 days after purchase). Use your mobile website or web app as the basis and this Android Studio package wraps your content into a real, native Android app using an advanced WebView approach! An excellent approach to gain access to millions of Google Play Store customers. No coding, no more plugins needed. It just works.

WebViewGold for Android – WebView URL/HTML to Android app + Push, URL Handling, APIs & much more! - 1

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