WebViewGold for iOS – WebView URL/HTML to iOS app + Push, URL Handling, APIs & much more!

Untouched WebViewGold for iOS – WebView URL/HTML to iOS app + Push, URL Handling, APIs & much more! v11.3 Untouched

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Let’s convert your websites and web apps into apps for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch)! This app template supports all kinds of web apps/websites (including HTML, PHP, WordPress, Progressive Web Apps, HTML 5 Games, WiX, Jimdo, apprat.io, bubble, Webflow, ...). WebViewGold comes with a 100% Apple App Store approval guarantee: Receive a full refund of your license if Apple rejects your app built with WebViewGold (by claiming within 14 days after purchase). WebViewGold is an Xcode package using the WebView approach that wraps your URL (or local HTML) into a real, native iOS app using the advanced WKWebView technology and smart performance mechanisms! An excellent approach to gain access to millions of App Store customers. No coding, no more plugins needed. It just works.

WebViewGold for iOS – WebView URL/HTML to iOS app + Push, URL Handling, APIs & much more! - 1

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WebViewGold for iOS – WebView URL/HTML to iOS app + Push, URL Handling, APIs & much more! - 3

  • Full iOS App Template – no coding required
  • Works with any web app/website that works on Safari browser
  • Submit your app to the Apple App Store easily (or use our
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  • Optimized for exceptional performance (up to 2x faster than UIWebView apps)
  • 100% ready for iOS 14, iPadOS 14, Swift 5.2, and Xcode 12
  • Support for Apple App Tracking Transparency (including User Tracking Decision API)
  • Universal App Design: Optimized for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad lineups
  • Easy: Just define your current web app address/URL (or your local HTML folder), and WebViewGold takes care of the rest!
  • Your app content is always up-to-date automatically
  • Optional fallback switch mode: Use local HTML folder if the user is offline, and use the remote URL if the user is online
  • Native Loading Spinner/iOS Activity Indicator while loading your web app
  • Display a Splash Screen (e.g., containing animated GIFs) until the first page was loaded completely
  • Smart Performance Cache Mechanism
  • Pull To Refresh Functionality
  • Take Screenshot API
  • App Version Check API
  • Social Login Support (“Login with Google” and “Login with Facebook”)
  • Native Swipe Gesture Navigation Support
  • Offline Screen with “Try again” button and Auto Reconnect if your app can’t connect to your URL
  • File Uploads & Camera Uploads supported
  • Support for uploading multiple files in HTML upload forms
  • GPS Location / HTML Geolocation supported
  • Option to prevent the device from going to sleep mode while the app is active
  • HTML 5 Audio supported – even if your app is in background mode
  • URL Handling: Define which URLs should be opened in Safari instead of your app (ideal for external links, e.g., Facebook/Twitter)
  • Language Detection: Append the user system language to the WebView URL
  • Custom Status Bar Color Design
  • Custom Safe Area/Bottom Bar Color
  • iOS Dark Mode: Load a different, optional URL if activated
  • Define customized, separated User-Agents for iPhone and iPad devices
  • Downloader for PDF, ePub, Wallet, Documents, and Music Files (using “Open with” dialog; add unlimited file types that should trigger the built-in file downloader)
  • Image Saving API (save images directly to Photos app)
  • Native JavaScript Dialogs like alert(), confirm() and prompt()
  • Optional Tab Functionality with additional In-App-Browser (by calling top.location or top.location.href links)
  • Print documents: Just link to a .pdf file and iOS will offer the AirPrint option in “Open with…“ dialog
  • In-App Purchases & In-App Subscriptions API
  • Native Sharing Dialog API
  • iCal Calendar API
  • Powerful QR Code Scanner API
  • NFC (Near Field Communication) integration possible (sold separately)
  • “Reset the app” API (clear cookies and cache of your user via link)
  • First Run Dialog (e.g. “Thanks for downloading this app!”)
  • In-App App Store Rating Dialog
  • “Follow on Facebook” Dialog
  • Push Notifications via JavaScript,
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    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
    , or
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    with URL Deeplinking and Unique User Identification)
  • Option to append individual OneSignal/Firebase push user IDs to the web page URL to assign unique push tokens to the user on the server side
  • Get OneSignal User ID by JavaScript
  • Support for AdMob Banner & Full-Screen Interstitial Ads
  • Support for Facebook Full-Screen Interstitial Ads
  • Universal Links (possibility to easily configure a link scheme like webviewgold:// which can be triggered from Mail app, Safari app, ... and opens the attached link in the WebView app)
  • Define custom CSS classes (that will be injected into your web app code while loading in the app built with WebViewGold)
  • Your app built with WebViewGold will save all cookies (including login session cookies) until they expire (this is defined by your server/your site)
  • All kinds of web apps/websites supported (including HTML, PHP, WordPress, Progressive Web Apps, HTML 5 Games, ...)
  • Like
Reactions: Akin360
First release
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