ZiscoERP - Powerful HR, Accounting, CRM System

ZiscoERP - Powerful HR, Accounting, CRM System v6.0.0

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— Added can off by using allow geo location when clock from system settings
— Added calculation system using hook into invoice for multi currency module
— FIXED clock in out issue 
— FIXED custom field issue on items
— FIXED item number validation issue
— FIXED POS add item issue when click in icon
— FIXED warehouse issue on sales
— FIXED provident and overtime search issue
--- FIXED all known issues
--- UPDATE system performance
--- Added hook system everywhere
--- Added you can set a warehouse to all staff and all items by clicking default button from warehouse menu
--- Added Compitable with Saas module using a hook system
--- Added Compitable with Multicurrency module using hook system
--- Added Estimate, Invoice, Proposal details, and pdf in common view
--- Added Projects, Tasks, Leads, Opportunity in common view
--- Added All Details Attachment, Comments in common view -- FIXED attachment download issue on tickets menu
--- FIXED can set warehouse if not assigned before
--- FIXED all known issues
--- UPDATE system performance
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