Gambiato v2.0 [Detailed list of changes]


My name is Gambit, remember it well
Apr 5, 2022

Appreciated Gambiato @Members next I describe all the changes I made for this new version​

A) First: We have a new logo

New Logo.png
This is one of the most notorious changes without a doubt, this new logo represents the new era of Gambiato, an innovative, dynamic era with a focus on constant evolution. This logo was designed by me.

Old logo (as reference):

Gambiato Old Logo.png

B) Second: The New FEEDS feature

New Feeds.png

This is one of the coolest implementations of this new version, the FEEDS will allow you to find out everything that happens in the entire community in a very easy and orderly way

Feeds allow you to see part of the content of the threads or resources and interact with them, react or comment, without having to go directly to the thread or resource

It is possible to filter the FEEDS by type of content:
─ Posts
─ Profile Post
─ Threads
─ Resources

Also, from the "Social" tab it is possible to see all the posts of user profiles and interact with them, something like the "States" of WhatsApp

The idea is to offer a style very similar to that of Reddit (which is based on feeds)

Note: Feeds are a replacement for the "What's New" section and an extended form of the section above the forum list


C) Third: Tons of UI improvements

Gambiato v2.0.png

In this section I made changes to the following sections:

─ Color scheme:
We now have a color scheme to match the logo, with shades of blue that convey a more "tech" impression instead of the dull and drab gray, in addition to being very pleasant for the eyes, it iscomfortable to see and does not irritate them

─ New font: We moved from Titillium Web to Inter, with weight adjustments in many areas, this will allow us better readability and navigation of all content

─ Layout tweaks: I fixed various inconsistencies in some parts of the design, in the different styles, I also reduced the overall width of the site for a more comfortable experience

Gambiato v1.0 as reference:

Gambiato v1.0.png

Traditional and default forum style as reference:


iO Dark Mode has a bright gray color by default, which can be very tiring and irritating to the eyes

D) Fourth: New Marketplace functions and structure


Good news for sellers, and for buyers too, the categories have been reorganized to simplify product exploration according to the most common types of sale, thanks to @jackoneill for create category list

It will now be possible to publish digital products, service offers and external products, all of which will display the new "Buy for $XX" button

According to the type of product at the time of creating it, it will ask you for certain data, such as duration time (for licenses, subscriptions or things like that), renewal cost, etc etc

Important note A: The new products for sale must be published as "Resources", when publishing the resource the thread will be created in the corresponding forum

Threads that are posted using the traditional method will not be approved

A thread on how to publish a resource for sale will be published later, in case you have any questions

E) Fifth: New Donations section


This section will allow all users to express their gratitude by making a donation, which will help us continue to maintain and improve this promising community

The funds would be used to maintain the systems infrastructure and cover operating expenses: Hosting, Domain, Licenses, Protection Services and all the related things

As well as making it easy for our management team to continue providing and investing in new WordPress plugins, themes, PHP scripts, mobile app source codes and much more

Gambiato Sponsor animated badge:


All donors will instantly receive the most visually exclusive badge (the only animated) until now and the amount donated will be visible on their profile


All the actions that require investment have been done until now through private funds provided by my @GambitSteel, donations will be a great help for this now, because the private servers of Offshore hosting is not as cheap as traditional hosting

F) Sixth: Hiding content to guests


Disabled public viewing of all:

─ URL's
─ Code blocks
─ Quote blocks
─ Spoiler blocks

Now to be able to see this content it will be necessary to register

G) Seventh: Information about Styles

Styles "UI.X" & "UI.X Dark" were removed for containing a slightly old visual style

They will be replaced by two new styles "AC.UI" & "AC.UI Dark" which feature a light, geometric visual style and are compatible with the Infinite Screel of FEEDS

Well those are the highlights so far, uff easy to say but it took several days and several nights of constant tweaking and improvements

But the knowledge that we can all count on a pleasant, different and innovative place in many aspects is a good enough reward.

Many to all for their support and for their preference for Gambiato
GambitSteel ─ A user like you
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why am I not trusted uploader yet? What are the requirements? LOL...I also think we have to verify if resources are genuine and bought by the uploader for future updates.
I really admire your work and all your effort, honestly. Congrats, on all that you do. and your commitment. I don't think so much work will go to waste, the time will come and everything will fall into its place. Thank you man.
It’s a very good work from my bro @GambitSteel ! Many thanks!
Glad to see the white theme back and a little bit sad about the missing fox in the logo ahahah 😂

Anyway good job! 👍🏻
I’m here if you need more help for anything as you know! :)
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It was quite obvious to me, your passion to keep the Babiato community together, especially on another forum which I don't want to mention, as soon as Babiato went down. And you took some shit for it too. I Am only saying it cause time passes and people always tend to forget. And all the accusers with their miserable lives who tend to accuse everything straight away so they find reasons to blame. Your energy drew me straight away. Although I am not a Pro Developer, I build sites for my own personal use, I followed this forum mainly for your energy. And that is simply the truth. I just wish I could contribute more somehow, but my line of work is in the music industry mainly. Anyway, take care man, keep going, I am absolutely sure it will lead you somewhere, and the forum will keep getting bigger and bigger. I will follow and support you all the way. I just wanted to let you know that you never know who is watching, what you are, and what you do always comes across. ;)
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Wow bro, really good words

Yes, back in F*ckflix (LOL) they took me as an agitator,
but my goal was totally different, in the end they banned me 😂

And here I can apply all the changes that I couldn't in Babiato,
and that I'm sure they wouldn't apply there

So it suits us all, of course, I know we don't have all the resources
or users of Babiato, but you're not an Arnold Schwarzanneger on
the 1st day of the gym ;)
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Everything in life simply needs time. Sometimes the universe wants to test you to see how much effort and energy you are willing to put into something before the door opens. Trust me I've been there. Don't get misled by numbers. 10 people can have a huge impact on something that 10000 can not even dream of. Patience, and always improve. It will get there trust me, you going to draw it to you. And all the other brilliant people that are involved here already. Unless of course, you do something wrong, the way is only upward. And I wish you all the luck man, to you and everyone else contributing.
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In fact, I already have a system programmed that, without having
to configure it yourself, will restrict the download of resources to
users who do not have: 3 resources or 10 posts, for example

It may be too early for that though

At the moment what I activated is a limit of 10 downloads per day
For regular users, for "Trusted Uploaders" it will be unlimited 👍

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