Active eCommerce Seller Subscription Add-on

Untouched Active eCommerce Seller Subscription Add-on v1.8

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Note: Seller Subscription isn’t an independent system. This seller subscription is available only for Active eCommerce cms.

Note: After activating this addon seller commission/category based commission will be disabled.

Purchase today! & use Seller Subscription Addon for your eCommerce business which is only developed with the most efficient eCommerce cms named Active eCommerce cms. By this Seller Subscription Addon you can add a new feature to create subscription package for you sellers/vendors. you can create unlimited package with physical & digital product upload limit, package icon, name, price & package duration. Sellers/Vendors will find those packages for purchasing in their panel. You need to setup cron job for automaticaly disable seller product after package expiration.

How does it work?​

  • Active eCommerce cms should be pre-installed in your server
  • Purchase Seller Subscription Addon for Active eCommerce cms from codecanyon
  • Download and install the addon to your Active eCommerce cms addon manager
  • It’s done!
First release
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