Astra Pro Addon - Do More with Astra Pro

Astra Pro Addon - Do More with Astra Pro 4.7.1 (Untouched)

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V 4.7.1 6/18/2024


Blog Pro: Fixed an issue where the blog’s pagination buttons loaded new posts but didn’t scroll to the top of the page.
Sticky Header Colors: Resolved a problem where Transparent Header colors were overriding sticky menu and submenu colors.
Sticky Header Logo: Fixed the issue where the logo disappeared if the Sticky Logo Width was not set manually.
V4.7.0 6/7/2024


  • Header Builder – Added Sticky Header color options for “
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  • File Generation code improved for better PHP exceptions & error handling edge cases.
  • Social share icon positions (left and right) now apply only to desktop to avoid overlapping with content issue on responsive devices.


  • Issue with ‘astra_addon_woo_account_user_welcome_message’ filter hook for WooCommerce account navigation.
  • WooCommerce – Ensure Attribute button state updates automatically when switching valid variation without additional clicks.
V4.6.10 5/23/2024


Introduced a new background color option for filter flyout in WooCommerce.


Fixed an issue where changing the logo width increased the logo height inside the customizer settings.
Resolved problem with layouts duplicating when multiple layouts are added on the page under certain conditions.
Addressed blog archive post filter issues with title and pagination.
Fixed glitch between site header and UABB created post grid layout when UABB is activated and scrolling.
Fixed freezing issue on WooCommerce product pages when selecting product variations and ensured smoother image updates.
Improved functionality so that attribute button state updates automatically when switching valid variation without additional clicks.
Resolved PHP Error with undefined function bsf_extract_product_id in some edge cases.
V 4.6.9 5/8/2024


Dashboard Link Navigation: Corrected navigation links from the Site Builder’s UI breadcrumb for smoother navigation.
Duplicate Navigation Menu Markup: Addressed the issue causing duplicate navigation menu markup rendering for the sticky header, ensuring cleaner code structure.

Bug Fixes:

WooCommerce Product Gallery: Fixed the issue where horizontal and vertical sliders were not displaying variation images in the product gallery.
Legacy Header: Resolved the problem where the Search widget was not visible on mobile devices when set as the last item menu with “Full Screen” and “Header Cover” options.
Shop Off-Canvas: Fixed the issue where the Shop Off-Canvas was not opening the product category dropdown, ensuring proper functionality.
Astra Pro 4.6.8 Updates

In this release, we’ve made some key improvements and fixes to enhance your experience. Here’s what’s included:


Header Builder – Language Switcher: Improved accessibility with aria-labels.
Spacing Addon: Better performance through code optimization, reducing unnecessary conditions load.


Sticky Header: Resolved transition issues with headers and fixed alignment problems with the Account element’s Login Popup, particularly with the Shrink Effect enabled.
WooCommerce: Fixed inconsistent results in checkout fields when using the “Use Labels as Placeholders” option.
Old Header Menu Styling: Addressed conflicts with the new header builder’s structure.
WooCommerce: Corrected issues with infinite scroll not displaying all products on the shop page.
Site Builder: Ensured proper bottom spacing for headings in Custom Templates on the frontend.
Sticky Header: Fixed glitches with Spectra’s gallery block during window scrolling.
WooCommerce: Resolved UI issues with Sticky Product Image on responsive devices.
Accessibility Enhancement: We’ve improved the accessibility of advanced headers by removing incorrect role=”img” attributes, ensuring a more inclusive browsing experience for all users.

Live Search Fix: Browser autocomplete is now disabled when live search is enabled, preventing any potential issues with search result overlapping.

WooCommerce Fixes:

  • Resolved the issue where Infinite Scroll & page weren’t functioning correctly when using an Elementor template.
  • Fixed a conflict between Astra Pro addon and Essential Addon’s Product Carousel transition property, ensuring smooth integration.

White Label Fix: Addressed the problem where the Help link persisted in the theme builder despite the white label being enabled, ensuring consistent branding for users.

LifterLMS Fix: The Enable Course Meta option now functions properly with LifterLMS Blocks, providing a seamless experience for managing course metadata.
Astra Pro 4.6.2 Released!

We have released Astra Pro 4.6.2, which includes the following improvements and bug fixes:


Header-Footer Buttons – Added new option “Inherit” to Size to inherit global button stylings.

Bug Fixes:

Single Post – Social sharing design customizer options depend on the “Enable Author Box” option.
Performance – Slow query issue when too many menu items are used.
WooCommerce – Related product column setting not working for mobile devices when up sell product section is disabled.
Update January 9, 2024

  • Page Header – Restricted the banner title area with layout-2 with page header.


  • Page Header – “Override the image with the featured image” option not working for single layouts.
  • Fatal error showing from addon side because user is using older Astra version and updated Astra Addon.
v3.9.1 - July 29, 2022
- Fix: Mobile menu flyout mode not working properly when old Header layout is active.
- Fix: WooCommerce – Button variation is displaying the old deleted product attributes on single product.
- Fix: WooCommerce – Shop active filter toggle not working properly due to incorrect customizer option handle.
- Fix: Theme version rollback does not work on the initial page load of Astra Options.
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