Cornerstone | The WordPress Page Builder

Nulled Cornerstone | The WordPress Page Builder 7.4.21 (Untouched)

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Cornerstone 7.4.21 - June 11, 2024
  • Feature: Component shortcode has a no_wrap attribute which will not output a wrapping div
  • Feature: Dynamic Content query current_page_zero
  • Feature: Dynamic Content posts_per_page which grabs the WordPress posts per page reading setting
  • Updated: Accordion Custom Attributes can use Dynamic Content
  • Updated: Rating Author schema is sent as an array with an object for better schema support
  • Bugfix: A Parameter text editor inside a list inside a picker would cause the picker to close when you tried to type
  • Bugfix: Invalid post warning when trying to set a featured image
  • Bugfix: Layered navigation error using invalid function .find
  • Bugfix: Navigation dropdown issues when using a touch action
  • Cornerstone 7.4.15 - March 27, 2024
    • Updated: When outputing a custom single woocommerce product layout it will output the WooCommerce structured ld+json
    • Bugfix: Revert of Dynamic Content the_content issue when used in another layout. Which caused an issue when you used dc:post:the_content instead of the The Content element
7.4.13 - March 14, 2024

Feature: External API Attribute request type has an "encode" control and can also URLEncode on Post bodys. Which is useful for manually connecting to OAuth2
Feature: Export Documents Alpha. Button found in the Dev tools, this exports all Cornerstone Documents. Dont use this on a very large site
Feature: Max / Personify Site import support
Updated: Filter `cs_classic_gravity_forms_select_a_form_placeholder` to get Classic Gravity forms element to mimic old behavior of Pro 5
Updated: Importing a document that you trashed caused nothing to happen. It now untrashes the document
Updated: Import process has support for importing menus. Only used by Export Documents feature
Bugfix: If you had a grouped color palette, but no colors in a normal palette your grouped colors would not show up
Bugfix: Importing an image would not add a size modifer like `full`. Which also meant you couldn't export something you just imported
Bugfix: Empty Components would always show the empty element indicator instead of relying on the dropzone settings of the element the component is based on. For instance an empty Row component would not show dropzones for each of it's areas
Bugfix: If you edit an image field, it will auto add `full` if it is an attachment ID when you first open the controls. This is required for exporting images properly
Bugfix: Row Element template control would not accept a `var()`
Bugfix: Parameter Slider Unit fields could not accept 0 as the min or max
Bugfix: Breadcrumbs element was using the attribute `classes` instead of `class`
  • Cornerstone 7.2.9 - June 30, 2023
    • Bugfix: Hotfix "Hide Initially" was broken due to sticky bar changes
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