Divi Supreme - Custom and Creative Divi Modules

Nulled Divi Supreme - Custom and Creative Divi Modules (Untouched)

No permission to download – 10.07.2024

Fixed: Divi Price List Module description displaying as a row layout instead of the standard text wrap.
Fixed: Margin bottom issue for child items in the Divi Price List Module on both Visual Builder and Frontend.
Enhanced: Divi Popup library output is now shifted to the before body closing tag for better page load performance instead of loading in the module wrapper.
4.9.94 – 12.03.2024

  • Enhanced: Improved the search option and made various internal improvements to enhance stability for the Divi Filterable Gallery Module – Media Categories.
  • Fixed: The random option not functioning correctly for the Divi Filterable Gallery Module.
  • Fixed: Removed extra space in front of Notation Text in the builder for the Divi Notation Text Module.
  • Fixed: Corrected the issue where the ID was not displaying the correct number after 10 tabs in the Divi Advanced Tabs Module.
  • Added: Implemented “_update_generic_term_count” to fix the update count in Media -> Category.
v4.9.59 – 17.07.2023
Fixed: Resolved an issue in the Divi Image Hover Reveal module where shortcodes were being displayed on the frontend. This issue occurred because the module settings introduced in version 4.9.48 were not properly registered. The fix ensures that the module settings are correctly registered, preventing the display of shortcodes and ensuring the module functions as intended.
4.9.56 – 06.07.2023

  • Fixed: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array in Divi Circle Info Module.
4.9.51 – 25.06.2023

  • Enhanced: Improved the security and reliability of the Divi Filterable Gallery Module by enhancing the handling of image source URLs. The image source URLs are now properly escaped using the `esc_url` function, ensuring that any potentially malicious or invalid URLs are properly sanitized and preventing security vulnerabilities.
  • Fixed: Resolved a PHP error that occurred in the Divi Floating Multi Images module. The error has been fixed, ensuring the smooth functioning of the module and preventing any disruptions caused by the error.
4.9.50 – 24.06.2023

  • Added: Implemented the Cookie Expiry option in the Exit Intent feature of the Divi Popup Extension. This new addition allows users to specify the duration for which the exit intent cookie will be valid. By setting a cookie expiry value, users can control how long the exit intent popup will be shown to visitors.
  • Enhanced: Set the default value of the Cookie Expiry to 0 in the Divi Popup Extension, which signifies an unlimited.
v4.9.45 – 14-06-2023

  • Added: Introduce a new feature that addresses compatibility issues with certain caching plugins, particularly those used by SiteGround users. By enabling this option, all compatibility problems related to JavaScript deferring will be resolved. Whether or not you have deferred other JavaScript files, this feature will significantly improve the speed and performance of your website. Get ready to...
4.9.41– 05.06.2023

  • Added: Custom Arrow position option to the Divi Image Carousel Module. – Users can now customize the placement of arrows according to their preference, providing greater flexibility in designing their carousels.
  • Added: Custom Arrow Horizontal position option to the Divi Image Carousel Module. This new feature allows users to specify the horizontal positioning of arrows, further enhancing the visual appeal and usability of the carousel.
  • Added: Custom Prev/Next Arrow Icon option to the Divi Image Carousel Module. – Users can now select and customize the arrow icons used for navigation, adding a personal touch to their carousel design.
  • Added: Hover option for Arrow Color and Arrow Background in the Divi Image Carousel Module. – Users can now define custom colors and backgrounds for the arrows when hovered over, enhancing interactivity and visual feedback.
v4.9.35 – 18.05.2023
Fixed an issue where the Divi Supreme Pro updater script was affecting the visibility of other plugins’ update notifications when the license key was not activated.
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