Duplicator Pro - WordPress Site Migration & Backup

Untouched Duplicator Pro - WordPress Site Migration & Backup (Untouched(

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V4.5.17.4 – May 28th, 2024

PHP Version: 5.6.20+
WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater
Tested up to: 6.5


[UPD] Update php max memory limit during Backup build
[FIX] Fixed a conflict between the options “disable Foreign JavaScript” and “disable Foreign CSS” with third-party plugins in the case that they are enabled and with non-administrator users.

Version 4.5.17 – April 18th, 2023​

PHP Version: 5.6.20+
WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater
Tested up to: 6.5


  • [NEW] Added ability to download diagnostic data toolkit from the “Tools” > “Utilities” section
  • [NEW] Added Remote Download Backup Feature
  • [NEW] Added Remote Restore Backup Feature
  • [NEW] Added in the OneDrive storage the option “HTTP Version” useful for the storage to work on Plesk
  • [UPD] Added Support for Onedrive Business account
  • [UPD] Updated encryption library (pcrypt removed)
  • [UPD] Improved the label, description, and UI of the HTTP Basic Auth setting
  • [UPD] Improved output string escaping
  • [UPD] Enable using Duplicator’s SSL certificate for verification in FTP storages with cURL
  • [UPD] Updates for WordPress 6.5
  • [FIX] Remove the user’s duplicator capabilities when removing the plugin and improve the uninstall cleanup function.
  • [FIX] Fixed a problem where, on some servers, if the ignore_user_abort function is not defined, the backup creation fails.
  • [FIX] Fixed an issue where a Backup was considered present in remote storage even though the transfer had failed.
  • [FIX] Fixed the problem where after a scan, before creating a Backup, if you set up quick filters with previously set up but disabled filters, they would not reset.
  • [FIX] Better error handling for Google Drive when the first chunk upload fails.
  • [FIX] Fixed package upload issues with OneDrive Business.


  • [FIX] Removed WP function usage in the installer script.

Version 4.5.15 – Jan 10th, 2023​

PHP Version: 5.6.20+
WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater
Tested up to: 6.4


  • [NEW] Implemented dynamic help feature
  • [UPD] Updated minimum requirements from WP 4.0 to WP 4.9
  • [UPD] Update plugin to support latest Google & OneDrive API changes.
  • [UPD] Improved SFTP and FTP storages
  • [UPD] Improved Local storage IO logic with Storage Adapter
  • [UPD] Improved users feedback and state of ACL setting in S3 compatible storages
  • [UPD] Added notification count in admin panel menu label.
  • [UPD] Improved storages global settings labels
  • [UPD] Pre Backup build checks cleanup.
  • [UPD] Removed stored data section from tools; UI cleanup.
  • [FIX] Fixed a problem on Windows local storage path sanitization
  • [FIX] Fixed cron job for schedules
  • [FIX] Fixed the license validation URL after some cases of multisite migration
  • [FIX] Fixed updating AWS S3 global options.
  • [FIX] Email summary frequency update fix for WP versions < 5.1

Version 4.5.12 – June 21st, 2023​

PHP Version: 5.6.20+
WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater
Tested up to: 6.2.2


  • [NEW] Package components feature.
  • [NEW] Media only backup
  • [NEW] Filter to only include active plugins/themes in the package
  • [NEW] Implemented remote notification system
  • [UPD] Added new Duplicator logo
  • [UPD] Added memory check required by mysqldump
  • [UPD] Improve feedback on license activation/deactivation failure
  • [UPD] Improved admin messages layout
  • [UPD] Logging appropriate error message when partition for temp files is full during S3 storage transfer.
  • [UPD] Updated snapcreek.com references with appropriate duplicator.com URLs.
  • [FIX] Fixed all translation strings functions text domains
  • [FIX] Fixed an issue where with PHP 7.x it was not possible to update some settings
  • [FIX] General checking of storages. Applied small fixes regarding logged messages and a few code improvements
  • [FIX] Applied stripslashes on fields where it was needed.
  • [FIX] Fixed issue on granular capabilities on WordPress < 4.3


  • [NEW] Only file extractor mode
  • [UPD] Now the Keep original file time option is also working for the DUP archive as for ZIP Archive

Version 4.5.11 – May 8th, 2023​

PHP Version: 5.6.20+
WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater
Tested up to: 6.2


  • [NEW] Granular Duplicator capabilities
  • [NEW] Added license auto activation logic (Ready for LITE One Click Upgrade)
  • [UPD] Removed Library ForceUTF8.
  • [UPD] Made FTP working as storage with cURL option enabled.
  • [UPD] Improved license info only interface
  • [UPD] Updated external Blog reference URLs
  • [UPD] Improved daily actions cleanup logic
  • [UPD] Improved license activation feedback in case of error.
  • [UPD] Updated for WordPress 6.2.
  • [UPD] Updated PHPSECLIB to version 2.0.42
  • [FIX] Fixed issue related to false detection of the request action
  • [FIX] Improved labels of some settings.
  • [FIX] Improved to sanitization of some inputs in the admin
  • [FIX] Fixed an issue where when importing settings the license visibility password was being reset
  • [FIX]: Fixed in problem where in some cases the package creation log was being deleted by mistake

  • [UPD] Improved multisite custom URL mapping interface feedbacks
  • [FIX] Fixed a bad link to FAQ.
  • [FIX] Cursor is not a pointer any more in the whole validation section, only at the test title part.
  • [FIX] Fixed switching between “Basic” and “cPanel” options when command is issued from within a validation test.
  • [FIX] Fix delete item problem on multisite custom URL mapping interface
  • [FIX]: Fix update options problem on install site in a multisite


Release Date: 2023-03-08
PHP Version: 5.6.20+
WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater
Tested up to: 6.1.1

The 4.5.10 release contains a new dashboard widget along with several small fixes and updates.

[NEW] Added new Dashboard widget
[NEW] Added the ability to set a custom recovery folder. Useful for some hosting that blocks PHP scripts in wp-content
[NEW] Reflecting currently chosen license visibility mode in UI whenever possible.
[UPD] License action buttons (“Deactivate” and “Clear”) are visible now in all license visibility modes.
[UPD] Removed Unicode name scan check, improved scan performance
[UPD] Disable google recaptcha plugins during installation
[UPD] DupArchive content encryption and the archive password security keys are changed to SHA256 hash
[UPD]: Improved uninstall logic
[UPD] Updated phpseclib to version 2.0.41
[FIX] Fixed String translation.
[FIX] Removed warnings in bridge mode import with packages created with the mysqldump
[FIX]: Fixed uninstall conflict with LITE version
[FIX]: Fix PHP warning on license object
[FIX]: Fix PHP 8.2 warnings
[FIX]: Fix debug page problem

[UPD] Update multisite custom mapping interface
[FIX]: Fix PHP 8.2 warnings
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