Flowmattic – WordPress Automation Plugin

Untouched Flowmattic – WordPress Automation Plugin 3.1.0

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3.1.0 – 5 July, 2023

– New: License registration moved to a new admin page
– New: Workflow templates added to the dashboard to make it easy to get started
– New: Option to exclude the post content from Get Posts by Post Type action response
– New: Option to exclude the post content from Get Posts by Post Meta action response
– New: Option to exclude the post meta from Get Posts by Post Type action response
– New: Option to exclude the post meta from Get Posts by Post Meta action response
– New: Option to assign the category
– New: Option to switch from editor to preview mode in the HTML editor for Email and Post editor
– Improved: Dashboard UI improved, added connects and custom apps count and workflow templates
– Improved: API module will display the response as single JSON response if the response array is indexed and not associative
– Improved: PHP Functions module now returns the response in simple and JSON format as well to be used in Iterator
– Improved: Email Parser message text encoding
– Improved: Added support for the URL query param authentication
– Improved: Integrations sort navigation misplace the integration blocks
– Fix: Email with HTML code was being sent as HTML code instead of the decoded entities
– Fix: FlowMattic Connects access token renewal will now work for the integration based connects as well
– Fix: New line character issue with Google Sheet and some other apps
– Fix: Conditional execution not working with AND condition against boolean data check
– Fix: FlowMattic dashboard loader not getting hidden when jQuery is loaded in footer by some caching plugins
– Fix: Re-execute workflow not working if the response data has JSON that is being used for Iterator
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