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Formidable Forms - The Most Advanced WordPress Forms 6.9

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== Changelog ==
= 6.9 =
* New: A new onboarding wizard has been added to help improve the initial set up process.
* New: Submit buttons can now be dragged in the form builder like a field. The submit button may be dragged into the last row beside fields.
* New: data-invmsg and data-reqmsg HTML attributes used for JS error validation are no longer included for hidden fields by default to help reduce the amount of HTML required for a form. A new frm_field_validation_include_data_attributes filter has been added to modify the default behaviour.
* Fix: A fatal error would occur on the visual styler page if the API request for style templates had failed.
* Fix: The shortcode list has been updated for calculation field options so field IDs are now still visible for fields with long names.
* Fix: The sortable indicators were missing for the forms and entries list pages. The accessibility of the sorting indicators has also been improved.
* Fix: A confirmation field wouldn't validate with JS when left empty.
* Fix: Tooltips will be deleted now after an action is deleted to fix an issue with old floating tooltips.
MARCH 6, 2024 v 6.8.3

New: The option to limit entries now supports multiple values, so entries can be limited by IP, Cookie, and Logged In User all at the same time.
New: The option to limit entries now includes the option to limit entries by an email field.
New: [frm-graph] shortcodes now support data_type="maximum" and data_type="minimum" options. When used, the graph will show the highest or lowest value for a target field respectively.
New: Datepickers will now use the WordPress "Week Starts On" option by default when the Datepicker locale is set to English.
New: Slim Select dropdowns will now copy the tabindex attribute from the original dropdown when applicable.
New: When filtering dynamic field options to only show options for the current user, only options created by logged out users will be displayed for logged out users. A new frm_restrict_options_for_logged_out_users filter has been added to revert this to the previous behaviour if desired.
Fix: The selected Slim Select look up values would not properly get applied properly after after doing a look up.
Fix: CSS rules for slider fields would include !important twice when the option to Overwrite theme styling was enabled. This would raise errors when validating CSS.
Fix: The live builder preview for star rating fields was not working properly after changing the Maximum Star Rating input.
Fix: A few PHP Notice: Undefined index messages have been corrected when sending usage tracking data.
Fix: Summary fields would display an empty box when showing the summary for a section with no field values.
Fix: When moving to the previous page and back, the previously unselected checkbox values load again with values when the option to save drafts was enabled.
Fix: A deprecated use of self was fixed on the Site Health admin page.
Some old CSS rules using -webkit- and -moz- prefixes have been removed, helping to reduce CSS file size.
The deprecated setting to Include accordion javascript has been removed.
June 23, 2023

  • Fix: Image options for checkbox fields were disabled incorrectly.
Change log
  • New: Time fields will now also include a screen reader label for Hours/Minutes dropdowns to improve accessibility.
  • New: A pop up will now appear after entering an invalid value for a time field.
  • New: Formidable files including .docx, .xlsx, and .pdf files will now use Formidable icons more consistently instead of the default WordPress document icons.
  • Fix: A .xlsx file would fail to validate on upload when downloaded from Google sheets as it had an unexpected mime type.
  • Fix: Required field validation would trigger after a file was uploaded, occasionally causing required fields to show errors at the wrong time.
  • Fix: Calculations in repeaters were not always syncing properly when switching between pages.
  • Fix: Form titles and descriptions would appear after a form is submitted in cases where they should be hidden.
  • Fix: Added additional validation for range field min, max, and step values to avoid issues with calculating non-numeric values and division by zero errors.
  • Fix: Shortcodes were appearing in the wrong position in the smart default values pop up.
  • Fix: Calculator form blocks and Formidable view blocks would break when using newer versions of the Gutenberg plugin.
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