Handyman Service - Flutter On-Demand Home Services App with Complete Solution

Handyman Service - Flutter On-Demand Home Services App with Complete Solution 11.7.2 (Untouched)

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v11.7.2 - 30 Aug 2024

Mobile App

User & Provider Apps

Fix - Country picker now correctly set up in contact number fields.
Fix - Allowed alphanumeric inputs in the bank account number field.
Fix - Removed unnecessary error toasts from chat.

User App

Fix - Resolved issues with the PayStack payment gateway.

Provider App

Fix - Added a keyboard with a 'Done' button for number input fields on the signup screen.
Fix - Adjusted the hour picker to open with hour and minute options instead of the time picker.
Fix - Auto-scrolling now works correctly when tapping on bottom fields.
Fix - Addressed error message display when editing service selection without an option selected.
Fix - Corrected dropdown positioning and keyboard behavior in the address and status fields.
Fix - Buttons are now disabled until all data is loaded in the Service Edit section.
Fix - Updated validation to auto-clear upon entry and ensure old and new passwords match.
Fix - Corrected payment calculation for hourly services.


Fix - Corrected the display of invoice and order calculations.
Fix - Restricted document upload to the selected provider only.
Fix - Ensured the 'Verified' option enables the action button.
Fix - Display address list for the selected provider only.
Fix - Made the logout option visible in dark mode.
Fix - Corrected the display of recent booking data.
Fix - Fixed the visibility issue of the search icon.
Fix - Restored functionality for push notifications.
Fix - Removed the delete button from the payment screen.
Fix - Fixed the issue of the delete button appearing without permission.
Fix - Corrected the displayed time for recent customers.
Fix - Removed the unnecessary active/inactive filter.
Fix - Resolved issue with provider redirection after payment.
Fix - Corrected data display in provider detail overview.
Fix - Fixed the 'Top Rated' filter functionality.
Fix - Ensured default entry is displayed in 'View All'.
Fix - Removed social media links from frontend as per admin settings.
Fix - Adjusted deletion process to avoid permanent deletion.
Fix - Removed action options when no permissions are set.
Fix - Corrected removal of action options based on permissions.
Fix - Ensured proper functioning of action options based on permissions.
Fix - Resolved issues with service deletion and restoration options.
Fix - Corrected the display of all menus; added the 'Post Job' option.
Fix - Improved functionality of draggable menus.
Fix - Fixed permission issues in the 'My Info' section.
Fix - Resolved error display when section 7 description is removed.
Fix - Corrected functionality of the 'Show entries' option.
Fix - Fixed cash approval process between user and admin in the provider app.
Fix - Updated the design of the verification email.
Fix - Corrected the display of booking times.
Fix - Ensured footer label changes are reflected on the admin side.
Fix - Corrected display issues on the landing page.
Fix - Fixed 'Add More' button functionality and visibility.
Fix - Corrected message display for undefined number values.
Fix - Restored functionality of the PayStack payment method for user payments.
Fix - Set all description fields in the menu table to NULL to improve tab functionality.
Fix - Resolved design issues with action buttons.
Fix - Fixed error when accessing 'Collect Cash' on the handyman detail page.
Fix - Addressed issue when accessing the pending provider detail page.
Fix - Fixed issue when accessing the pending handyman detail page.
Fix - Removed delete button when delete permission is revoked.
Fix - Resolved design issues with action buttons.
Fix - Removed delete button from payment screen for admins.
Fix - Corrected message display to prevent defaulting to English after a language change.
Fix - Fixed scrolling issues with the 'Set as Feature' toggle.
Fix - Ensured FAQ displays after adding and returning to the previous page.
Fix - Corrected messaging when editing a category and removing an image.
Fix - Corrected amount display on the booking info screen.
Fix - Fixed functionality to avoid permanent deletion of services.
Fix - Resolved permanent delete functionality issues.
Fix - Corrected dark mode display issues when switching tabs.
Fix - Ensured data table field names change appropriately when switching languages.
Fix - Enabled service addition without mandatory image upload.
Fix - Allowed adding or editing categories without mandatory image requirements.
Fix - Removed tax from extra charges.
v11.5.3 - 10 June 2024
Mobile App

New - Inter font implemented for backend, frontend, and app.
Update - Migrate to Flutter 3.22.x.
Update - Added translation for time slot day labels.
Update - Libraries have been updated and migrated codebase to utilize the latest version of "firebase_pagination".
Fix - Ensured the customer app lists all remote jobs when the nearby service feature is enabled.
Fix - Default profile image is now set correctly during OTP sign-up.
Fix - Resolved the notification click issue for chat and booking details.
Fix - Corrected the issue in the provider app where the "Set as feature" option was not saving during package edits.
Fix - Addressed the issue with toggling the push notification switch.


Update - Deleted categories now appear at the end of the list instead of the beginning.
Update - Text changed from "Deletion Request" to "Data Deletion Request" across pages.
Update - User list page now redirects to the detail page based on user type upon clicking a user.
Update - Dashboard updated to display cash payments separately.
Update - Updated the login flow for registering provider handymen.
Fix - "Pending" status now accurately reflects "Pending by Admin" in the dashboard.

v11.5.1 - 16 Apr 2024​

Mobile App​

  • Fix - Addressed a type casting issue in App Configuration to prevent app from getting stuck onSplash Screen during initial launch.
Version 11.4.0 - 20 Mar 2024

Mobile App


Ability to send images and files in Chat


Resolved the Push Notification and Notification Icon issue



Category was showing even it was inactive if added in Admin Panel Frontend Setting
Issue while enabling location in User Web
Minor issue in Configuration API
Version 11.0.0 15 feb 2024
Mobile App

Implemented email verification for both Provider App and Users app to enhance account security and authenticity


Updated Libraries


Resolved the issue with unsubscribing topics in Firebase within the Admin App, Provider App and User App



Introduced a new user interface for the customer website, enhancing aesthetics and usability
Implemented the ability for users to book all types of services directly from the website
Integrated Stripe payment gateway for secure and convenient online transactions
Enabled users to update the status of their bookings directly from the website interface
Implemented functionality for users to submit reviews for handyman services directly through the website interface

Admin Panel


Introduced a new feature empowering administrators to manage the website’s landing page content directly from the admin dashboard
Introduced functionality for admin users to customize email and notification templates, providing greater flexibility in communication


Revamped the settings panel UI in the admin dashboard for better organization and navigation


Prior to updating, ensure to back up both your existing code and database for safekeeping
Following the update, execute the ‘php artisan migrate‘ command to synchronize the database schema with the latest changes
Version 10.10.2 - 20 Dec 2023


Providers now have the ability to manage addon services


Users can now access the provider’s team information within the provider details


Corrected the translation of booking statuses in the filter
Users can now view the transaction ID in booking details



Resolved the issue with nearby provider notifications in the API
Addressed the service search issue when the subscription mode is enabled
Version 10.6.0 - 08 Nov 2023
Mobile App


Introducing Service Add-On Feature
Introducing Remote Services: Providers can now offer their services online and remotely


Booking List Filter UI Enhancement


Post job distance issue
Registration issue with same user after deleting the user



Remove Required Duration validation in service model


Hourly Service Booking calculation in Booking details Page
Version 10.5.2 - 16 Oct 2023


Hold Button was not working properly in bookings (in recent update)
Total Amount in Bookings was calculated to zero(0) (in recent update)
v10.0. 25 aug 2023

  • Major changes made in Booking Calculations (Please take your code as backup before updating to this version)
  • New Booking Calculations in separate file so that you can manage at one place only
  • Show Transaction ID in payment history in Booking Detail
  • Customer can now see how many taxes are applied on a booking

Users may own multiple devices and will receive all notifications
Update profile image in Firebase also so that you can see updated profile images in Chat List
Improved Payment Gateway Implementation Logic
Hide Handyman name in Booking List if Provider assigned himself in that booking
Optimized Firebase Chat login if not logged-in in Firebase


Show Handyman rating button if payment status is pending by Admin also
  • Now showing correct amount in Booking Confirmation Dialog
  • Applied Coupon was removing automatically even on dialog cancel
  • Remove unused code



Bulk Action in all Data Table to delete, change status, restore, permanently delete multiple


Booking detail calculation
  • Fixed an issue while adding new language
  • Wallet update amount issue
V9.0.0 June 05 2023

Now Admin can see Cash Transactions who has the cash for individual Bookings
(Explore cash flow)
Enhanced Chat Experience with Push Notification Support


Migrate to Flutter 3.10.x

Update: Revise and update the text in Arabic language
Show Assigned Provider Detail in My Post Job Detail


Resolved Auto Refresh Issue on Booking List and Details Screen
Resolved User Wallet Issue

Apply Coupon Issue

Resolve the "400 Bad Request" error encountered during login

Address the badge issue that arises when logging out
Resolve the notification problem occurring during the first login
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