Legalize - Privacy Policy / Terms of Service Generator and EU Cookie Law Popup Plugin for WordPress

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Legalize - Privacy Policy / Terms of Service Generator and EU Cookie Law Popup Plugin for WordPress​


Download Legalize - Legalize - Privacy Policy / Terms of Service Generator and EU Cookie Law Popup Plugin for WordPress =

If you want to have a good Privacy Policy or a Terms of Service page on your website, you can hire a lawyer and pay him a lot of money to make you your Terms of Service and Privacy Policy pages. This method is truly expensive.
Or, with another very used method, you can cut and paste the terms from some other web site. But who knows if those terms have anything to do with the things on your own website. The wrong terms can be worse than none at all, because they mislead the users that read them. And also, it might be an act of copyright infringement for which you, your business and your website can get in trouble.

Instead, use “Legalize! Privacy Policy and Terms of Service Generator” Plugin for WordPress. You spend about five minutes answering some quick and simple questions about your site, your company or yourself, hit the Publish, and you have your Privacy Policy and Terms of Service pages ready for use. Once generated, the Legalize! Privacy Policy and Terms of Service Generator pages are fully editable. You can also add shortcodes in your website, to easily add links to the newly generated pages. Also, when you change your site, you can update your answers to the Q&A and re-publish your new terms. The plugin is fully reusable and reconfigurable!


+ Cookie consent popup included – fully customizable and editable + Automatic Privacy Policy and Terms of Service pages generation
+ Shortcodes support – simply add links to generated pages by adding only a shortcode to your website
+ Compliant with all current laws – including US and UK cookie laws (EU cookie directive)
+ Useful for a wide range of websites
+ Ability to add your own content to the Privacy Policy or Terms of Service pages
+ GDPR compatible
+ Google Adwords or Adsense Privacy Policy requirements
+ Personal Identifiable Information (PII)
+ Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
+ California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA)
+ Support for sites with adult content (18+)
+ Privacy Policy and Terms of Service pages are generated by simple questions and answers, editable and updateable in real-time
+ Compliant with German Datenschutzgesetz law (in v1.2 – German translation added)
+ Full browser support – Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari
+ Optimized for speed – no speed impact
+ Lifetime updates and support
The Guardian
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