Limitless - Responsive Web Application Kit

Limitless - Responsive Web Application Kit 2.3

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Limitless – a new professional admin template, based on Bootstrap framework. Limitless is a powerful and super flexible tool, which suits best for any kind of web application. Includes 1 main and 3 alternative layouts, 1000+ commented HTML pages, 1000+ components with different features and options, 100+ plugins and extensions etc. Limitless includes Starter kit – a set of blank pages, that will make your developer’s life much easier. Limitless template is fully responsive, which means that it looks perfect on mobiles and tablets.

Limitless app kit is fully based on LESS pre-processor, includes 100+ commented LESS files. Each file corresponds to a single component, layout, page, plugin or extension – so you can easily find necessary piece of code and edit it for your needs. The package includes both normal and minified CSS files, compiled from LESS.

Also it is translation ready – you can change application language on-the-fly and use other features such as fallback languages, language detection, direct access etc etc. To see examples, follow the main navigation.

Navigation is a powerful thing here. It supports both collapsible and accordion vertical navigation; multi level horizontal navigation with state saving feature. Horizontal navigation is used in navbars and mega menu. Navbar component has been extended and added plugins and components support (form components, buttons, links, menus, progress bars etc.). Mega menu is another song – it can be any color, any width and include any content.

Page and panel headers support a lot of customization options and can include different components, basically all of them are optional (means you can easily remove them from stylesheets by removing a single line in LESS file).

Overall design is harmonious, clean and user friendly. Even though the template has a lot of content, it doesn’t looks messy and all files and code are well structured, commented and divided. Check out the full list of features and go through all the pages. It will take some time though, but you won’t miss anything. Enjoy!

Please, if you found any bugs or have any suggestions and requests – don’t hesitate to let me know, i will do my best to fix those issues as soon as possible. Support is available: Mon – Fri, 9:00 – 20:00 CET

Limitless features​

  • 4 pre-built layouts
    • Main – dark sidebar and navbars, white page header and breadcrumbs line
    • Second – dark sidebar, light navbar, transparent page header and breadcrumbs line component
    • Third – light sidebar, dark navbar, transparent page header. Sidebar is inside content area
    • Fourth – 2 navbars, horizontal multi level navigation, transparent page header
  • Static layout, fixed navbar, fixed footer and fixed sidebar layout options
  • Custom and native scrollbars for fixed elemenets
  • Liquid and boxed layouts
    • Liquid – 100% width, up to 12 columns and up to 4 sidebars
    • Boxed – fixed centered width, all options from liquid layout
  • Custom color system, includes 16 color palettes
  • Starter kit for developers – set of blank pages with basic functionality
  • Form components
    • Full set of basic form components
    • Styled and native checkboxes/radios/file inputs, toggles and switches
    • Input groups in different sizes, colors and components
    • Twitter typeahead integration, including Bloodhound engine
    • Elastic textarea
    • Masked inputs
    • Input formatters
    • Password generator and password strength indicator
    • Characters counter and limiter
    • Form action buttons
    • Tags inputs with Typeahead and copy/paste support
    • Dual multiple select boxes with single and multiple selections
    • Editable form elements with enhanced support of components and input types
    • Form validation
    • 12 columns responsive grid of input fields
    • Vertical and horizontal form layouts
  • Selects
    • Select2 select library with advanced options
    • Bootstrap Multiselect library with different options
    • SelectBoxIt selects library with sizing, styling and other options
    • Bootstrap Select library with live search support
  • Wizards
    • Stepy wizard library
    • Form wizard library
    • Steps wizard library
  • Editors
    • Summernote rich text editor
    • CKEditor text editor, the most powerful one
    • WYSIHTML5 text editor
    • Ace Code editor with 100+ modes, themes and extensions
  • Pickers
    • Date & time – pick-a-date, pick-a-time, anytime, daterange and jQuery UI pickers with options
    • Spectrum Color picker with options
    • Location and address pickers with Google Maps integration
    • Date paginator – date picker with calendar and pagination
  • Components
    • Modal dialogs with enhanced options
    • Dropdown menus with advanced styling
    • Tabs and pills components with options
    • Collapsible and accordion components
    • Nav component with options
    • Buttons with styling options and loading spinners/progress bars
    • Tooltips and popovers with options
    • Different display options for alerts
    • Pagination with styling and sizing options
    • Pager with styling and sizing options
    • Labels and badges, including styling options
    • Progress bars in different sizes and styles
    • Page and component loaders with icon spinners and custom loaders
    • Thumbnails with titles, descriptions, components and other options
    • Page header component with supported sizes, styles and elements
    • Breadcrumbs component with supported styles and elements
    • Media lists with options
    • jQuery UI and NoUI sliders with pips, tooltips, color and size options
    • Syntax highlighter with language options
    • Affix and scrollspy components
    • Dynamic tree views with different options and data sources
    • Context menu extension
  • Notifications
    • PNotify notifications library
    • Noty notifications
    • jGrowl notifications
  • Content panels
    • Panels component with all available options
    • Draggable and sortable panels feature
    • Available panel heading components and styling
  • Appearance
    • Available text styling
    • Lists, blockquotes, well blocks, headings and heading components
    • Table with available helper classes
    • 12 columns responsive grid demonstration
    • CSS3 animations based on animate.min.css library
  • Icons
    • Basic Bootstrap’s Glyphicons icon font set
    • Default Icomoon icon set
    • Optional Font Awesome library
  • Extensions
    • Session and idle timeout tools
    • Velocity.js animations, including UI pack
    • BlockUI library for blocking elements
    • Image cropper with options
    • Fullcalendar library with styling and display options
    • Internationalization library with examples and options
  • File uploaders
    • Plupload multiple file uploader
    • Dropzone single and multiple file uploader
    • Bootstrap file input – single and multiple file uploader
  • Sidebars
    • Collapsible and hideable default width sidebar
    • Collapsible and hideable mini width sidebar
    • Secondary sidebar with appearance options
    • Opposite sidebar sith appearance options
    • Left, right and sticky detached sidebars
    • Dual and double sidebars options
    • Light and dark sidebars color option
    • Hidden sidebar by default
    • Available components adapted for use in sidebar
  • Vertical navigation
    • Collapsible navigation
    • Accordion navigation
    • Optional navigation sizing
    • Bordered navigation style
    • Left and right icons positions
    • Ability to disable certain navigation items
    • Up to 4 levels, can be extended
  • Horizontal navigation
    • Open submenu levels on click
    • Open submenu levels on hover
    • Examples of horizontal nav with custom components
    • Using tabs in horizontal navigation
    • Ability to disable certain navigation items
    • Horizontal mega menu with components and options
  • Navbars
    • Single top or bottom, static or fixed navbars
    • Multiple navbars
    • Different multiple navbars positions
    • Navbar as a stand alone component
    • Navbar colors options
    • Navbar sizing options
    • Top and bottom hideable navbars
    • Navbar components
    • Main, secondary or both navbars fixed
  • Data visualization
    • Native D3.js library charts
    • ECharts library with available chart types
    • Dimple library, built on top of D3.js
    • C3 library, built on top of D3.js
    • Google Charts library
    • Google maps with options and core features
    • Vector maps with visualization options
  • Static tables
    • Basic examples of available table options
    • Table sizing options
    • Table borders
    • Table styling
    • Table components
    • Responsive tables
  • Data tables
    • Basic initialization examples
    • Datatables styling
    • Advanced examples
    • Sorting options
    • Datatables API usage examples
    • Data sources examples
    • Responsive data tables
    • Columns reorder extension
    • Fixed columns extension
    • Columns visibility extension
    • Table tools extension
    • Scroller extension
  • Custom pages kit
    • Task manager – list and grid display options, detailed task page
    • Invoicing – static, editable invoice, invoice grid and archive
    • User cards and user list
    • User profiles with and without cover image
    • Simple and advanced login forms
    • Simple and advanced registration forms
    • Unlock user, password recovery forms
    • Login/registration styling options
    • Left, right and centered timeline
    • Chats layouts and color options
    • Knowledgebase and FAQ pages
    • Search pages kit – mixed, users, images, videos
    • Media gallery with optional titles and descriptions
    • Set of error pages – 403, 404, 405, 500, 503 and offline page
  • Continuous development
  • Regular updates
  • Fast and professional support
First release
Last update


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