MenorahOES - online exam software, you can use it for your college, university or any other skill development institute. Paid exams and exam series with detailed time analysis for each question, Sectional exams and practice exams, Display of questions in two languages, Practical examinations before entering the system, Support for 7 types of questions, Messages, notifications, reviews and much more ...
14 Things Why Menorah Exam Software is different than all:
- 2 Steps Installation process / Free Installation support
- Free/Paid Exams and Exam Series with detailed time analysis on each question
- New:Sectional exams and Practice exams
- New:Questions display in 2 languages
- New:Practice Exams before login
- New:Frontend CMS Pages with multiple theme support
- New:Multi Theme Layouts
- New:Free/Paid Learning management System like video portal and downloadable items
- New:Rayzorpay Payment Gateway
- New:reChaptcha Security
- Dynamic multi lingual system
- Multiple payment gateways(Payu, Paypal, Razorpay, Offlinepayment)
- Enable or disable modules with given settings
- Support for 7 types of questions
- Negative mark exam support with difficulty level
- Strengths and weakness of the student for each subject
- Messaging, Notifications, Feedbacks and many more…