Mobijet - Agents, Customers & Payments Management App | Android & iOS Flutter app

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Mobijet - Agents, Customers & Payments Management App | Android & iOS Flutter app


Download Mobijet - Mobijet - Agents, Customers & Payments Management App | Android & iOS Flutter app =

Mobijet is a Customer Support & Agents Management App. Mobijet App Supports wide range of features like Realtime communication between Agents & Clients, Agents & Agents Chats , calls. On the top of that Everything is monitored by Admin. Even if admin is not available to monitor at any particular time, the App records the activity as long the admin sets and later admin can review the activity All at once.
Get Mobijet App for your Business and Set your Business on Auto-Pilot.

Agents & Customer Login
Separate Interface for Customer & Agents (also Dept. Manager & Second Admin)
Show Email OR Phone login option based on the Authentication type set by Admin
Customer can Login / Register New account using Phone / Email
Agents can Login / Register New account using Phone / Email
Verify Phone number using OTP
Forgot Password / Send Reset Link in email
Login & registration can be Enabled / Disabled by Admin
Approve New account after Admin Verification (On/Off)
Single Device Login at a time
Save Current Device Details in server
Notify Admin on New user join

Customer Support Ticket / Chat
Auto-create Support Ticket on New Customer joined (On/Off)
Customer can create support ticket by selecting Department
Automatically Assign the Departments Agents in Support Ticket
Agents & customer can communicate in the Support Chat room
Share Multi Media & Files easily
Agents can / cannot see Ticket Customer name & Photo
Second Admin can / cannot see Ticket Customer name & Photo
Department manager can / cannot see Ticket Customer name & Photo
Change Department Status (Mark attention, Request Close, Active, Closed)
Customer can / cannot see joined Agents name & Photo
Customer can see all other agents in Support Chat room.
SECRET CHAT mode for Agents (Multiple agents can chat in the same support chatroom yet the Customer cannot see those messages)
Quick Replies (Save / preset message templates)
Realtime typing… indicator
Agents can see if customer is Online
Customer can see if agent is Online
Assign an agent for CALL with Customer
Call events are saved in the activity history
Delete Message (Admin will still be able to read it from Admin App)
Admin can also delete message (with reason that will be visible to sender)
Tickets are sorted department wise
Customer can leave Rating / Feedback after closing ticket
Reopen ticket after XX days (if allowed by admin)
Agents & Customers cannot delete the Chatroom
Ticket messages & media auto deleted in XX days after closing
Agent cannot see other Agents contact details
Agent cannot see Customer contact details
Customer cannot see Agents contact details
Each events are recorded and shown to Admin

Agent’s Individual Chat

Agent can chat with Other agents (if enabled)
Chat messages are NOT encrypted (visible to Admin)
Admin can read all the messages directly from Admin App
isTyping Indicator
Audio & video calls
Call history monitored by Agent
Call ringing & Notification Alerts
Mute / Unmute Notifications
Reply to Message
Report/ Complain to Admin from Chatroom
Delete Message (Admin will still be able to read it from Admin App. Admin can also see if that message was actually read by peer before delete)
Admin can also delete message (with reason that will be visible to sender)
Agents cannot delete the Chatroom
Admin can set auto-delete messages after XX days & are removed from server
Agent cannot see other Agent contact details
Each events are recorded and shown to Admin

Agent’s Group Chat

Create Group Chat with Multiple Agents
Add / Remove unlimited agents by Group Admin
Chat messages are NOT encrypted (visible to Admin)
Share Multi media, Files very easily
Reply to Message
Mute / Unmute Notifications
Admin can read all the messages directly from Admin App
Agents cannot delete the Chatroom
Agent cannot see other Agents contact details
Each events are recorded and shown to Admin

Custom Tab (WebView)

Show an extra tab with custom “label” (optional)
Show Website to Customers set by Admin
Show Website to Agents set by Admin
Awesome Loading & Navigation experince in WebView
Custom tab position
Footers & Headers visibility may be turned On/Off


Change Photo, Fullname
Editing profile may require REVIEW by admin
Admin can also change user name, photo from the Admin Ap.
Admin can change registered Email / phone for any Particular user
Recieve Notification on Email / Phone Change by Admin
Can be Forced logout by Admin

Notification Alerts

Recieve all type of events & Alerts
Ticket Chatroom Notifications
Agent’s Chat notification
Group Chat notification
Account activity related
Notificatons are auto-deleted by Admin after XX days

Department tab (for Department Mananger)

Agent can see Departments where he/she is a Manager
Create New Department
Manage Existing Departments
Add/ Remove agents to Departments
See All tickets in the Departments
Set Department visibility to OFF (This will make the department hidden from the Select Department page while creating Support Tickets by Agents & Customers)
Track Department Activity
Each events are recorded and shown to Admin

Users tab (for Second Admin)

Second Admin can see all Agents, Name , ID & photo
Second Admin can see all Customers, Name, ID & photo
See Agents Statistics if allowed (like- how many tickets, departments linked etc.)
Cannot see Agents contact details
Cannot see Customer contact details
All App settings will be visible to Second Admin which admin has assigned
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