Modern Events Calendar

Modern Events Calendar 6.10.5 (Nulled)

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6.10.5 – 14 June 2023​

  • Added: Event banner feature.
  • Added: Ability to use WordPress Media window for uploading images in FES when current user has access to media.
  • Added: Feature to set related events manually per each event.
  • Fixed: Issue in displaying all organizers when organizers are changed per occurrence.
  • Fixed: Issue regarding MEC profile shortcode.
  • Fixed: Issue in importing ics files.
  • Fixed: Issue in required radio files.
  • Fixed: Styling issue on list view modern skin social buttons.
  • Fixed: Some PHP notices.

6.10.1 – 1 June 2023​

  • Added: Ability to download the debug log file.
  • Improved: The iCal feed.
  • Improved: PayPal standard by adding invoice description.
  • Fixed: Issue in map skin.
  • Fixed: Issue in booking edit menu regarding displaying dates.
  • Fixed: Issue in FAQ feature.
  • Fixed: Some PHP issues.
  • Fixed: Issue about the event cost feature in lite version.
  • Fixed: Issue in displaying organizers in short-codes.
v6.6.0 – 13 June 2022
- Added: A ticket style option (pro)
- Added: Booking progress bar (pro)
- Added: Total selected tickets display to booking module (pro)
- Added: An ability to import event authors from one of third party plugins
- Added: An ability to provide update access to the events owners even if they don’t have proper WordPress capability
- Added: An ability for editor and admin users to manage events from frontend dashboard
- Added: An option to make the featured image mandatory in “Frontend Event Submission”
- Added: An ability to change the label of organizer website URL
- Added: Ability to add sponsors to events and display them on single event page
- Added: Some new placeholders to display date and time of event in user local time in email notifications (pro)
- Added: “Display all events in right section” option for monthly skin of full calendar
- Added: A feature to change the booking button label per event (pro)
- Added: A feature for events to inherit color from the category if no event color is specified
- Added: A total ticket limit to force users to book at-least a certain count of tickets (pro)
- Added: Booking and attendee fields to the PDF invoices (pro)
- Added: Event category in breadcrumbs
- Improved: The booing module to be disabled when event is canceled
- Improved: The integration with “Newsletter plugin”
- Improved: The sponsors feature
- Improved: The import process of third party plugins
- Improved: The booking progress bar (pro)
- Updated: The tooltip library to fix some conflicts with other third party theme and plugins
- Disabled: The remove function for MEC email and MEC name in booking form
- Fixed: Carousel skin
- Fixed: Auto email feature (pro)
- Fixed: Importing and exporting all day events
- Fixed: Importing events with repeat count from Google calendar
- Fixed: In adding/removing fees per payment gateway (pro)
- Fixed: On structured data
- Fixed: An compatibility issue with Weglot plugin
- Fixed: On scrolling when loading the event details page on modal
- Fixed: On new event notification
- Fixed: Some PHP notices
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