PublishPress – Series Pro

Untouched PublishPress – Series Pro 2.10.1

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PublishPress – Series Pro​


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PublishPress Series is a publishing plugin that allows you to organize posts into issues or series. This is ideal for magazines, newspapers, short-story writers, teachers, comic artists, or anyone who writes multiple posts on the same topic.

Newspaper, magazines and publishers can use PublishPress Series to create issues based on topics or time periods:

  • Collect posts into monthly issues for a magazine.
  • Group together newspaper articles on the same topic.
  • Organize chapters into an overall story.

Easily assign your content to a series​

When you're writing a post, you can easily add a post to an existing series, or start a new series. You can also add a new post into the middle of an existing series, and the plugin will adjust the order.

Publish Series​

The “Publish Series” screen makes it easy to manage posts in a series. You can re-order, schedule, publish, or unpublish all of the content in a series from a single screen.

Easy display of Series information​

Out-of-the-box, PublishPress Series will automatically add information to posts that are a part of a series. You can modify how this information displays to match the style of your site.

Integration with the Posts screen​

It's easy to keep track of what posts have been added to a series. You can also filter the Posts screen by Series. This gives you a quick way to see all the posts you’ve already added to the series.

Easy management of series​

Add, delete, edit all your series on one handy dandy page. You can also upload images to associate with the series. PublishPress Series makes it easy to keep track of all the series you are writing!

Pro version: Custom post type support​

This feature is in the Pro version of PublishPress Series and it allows you to use the plugin with any WordPress post-type.

Pro version: Shortcodes​

The Pro version of PublishPress Series provides a set of WordPress “shortcodes” that provide users a way to easily insert various series information into their posts.
The Guardian
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