VCard SaaS - Digital Business Card Builder SaaS - Laravel VCard Saas

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VCard SaaS - Digital Business Card Builder SaaS - Laravel VCard Saas​

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InfyVcards-SaaS is a Multi-user Digital Business Card Builder system, which allows many users to create their business digital card with lots of information and they can share it with their customers.

Here are some Key Features and Concepts that InfyInvoices provides.

InfyVCards-SaaS – Multi User Business Card Builder SaaS

Feature Description:​

Here are some Key Features and Concepts that InfyVCards-Saas provides.

Landing page​

Beautiful landing page from where users can get related pieces of information about the product. users can see the pricing here.

About Us​

Users can get the product/company information from the about us section which is in the landing page.


You can add a different kind of services that you are providing in your system, which will attract more users.

Pricing plans​

Users can see the different pricing plans into landing page which is added by the admin from his panel.

You can ask for inquiries and support from the landing page.

User Registration​

If you are interested in the product and want to use it, you can register to the system by filling in some necessary details.

You have to confirm your email address then for the login and then you will get your separate admin panel.

Super Admin Panel​


Powerful super admin dashboard where admin can see overall information of this product.

How many new user is registered, total plans he have, total vcard created, etc.

Users Management​

Here admin can manage the users of the system. he can add / update/delete users.

Admin also able to directly login into the user’s account. also he can change user status to in-active if something bad activity is reported.

VCard Management​

Here admin can see all the vcards users has created and also see the preview URL.

Admin can copy the preview URL from the listing and can see the actual preview by hitting that URL.

Default VCard Templates​

Admin can see the default vcard templates here. right now we are providing 10 attractive vcard templates.

Subscription Plans​

Admin can create a different kind of subscription plans from here as per need with templates selection.

You have to add price, currency, which templates you want to select for given plans and the other features that vcard have.

Front CMS​

Here you can manage the all the content of the landing page. you can see the contact us inquiries here.

Can add new testimonials, can update the about us text and many other things.


You can see different kind of currencies here that is pre-populated already.

Countries / States / Cities​

By using this section you can add a different kind of countries/states within the countries and add cities within the states.


Basic application settings will be configured from here. e.g Logo. favicon, application name, etc.

User Panel​


User can see the overall vcards information from here. How many vcard he has and the enquiries count on vcards.

VCard Management​

Here users can create new VCards as per his current plan. User can add his preview URL whatever they want.

You can add the business hours and services, testimonials, social profile links and many other things from this section.

Business hours​

Users can add business hours bu days of their business, which will be shown to vcards preview.

Vcard Social Link​

Users can add different social platforms links that will be later used to vcards preview. customers can see that links and use it for more information.

Custom Fonts​

You can add your own fonts whatever you want to add, selected fonts will be highlighted into vcard preview.


Customers can submit the inquiry from the card preview & Received inquiries on business cards will be shown to related Vcards tables.
The Guardian
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