WP Travel Engine – Himalayan Bank Payment Gateway

Untouched WP Travel Engine – Himalayan Bank Payment Gateway 2.1.1

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WP Travel Engine – Himalayan Bank Payment Gateway​

WP Travel Engine – Himalayan Bank Payment Gateway.jpg

Download WP Travel Engine – Himalayan Bank Payment Gateway = wptravelengine.com/plugins/himalayan-bank-payment-gateway/

Himalayan Bank Payment Gateway is an extension for WP Travel Engine that allows you to accept trip and tour payments via one of the leading banks in Nepal, Himalayan Bank.

Tour operators and travel agencies in Nepal can enable the Himalayan Bank Payment gateway for trip booking by setting up Himalayan Account with key details – Merchant ID and Secret Key.

When a traveler books a trip via Himalayan Bank Payment Gateway, the traveler is taken to Himalayan Bank to make a secure payment. After payment, the trip booking is confirmed and the traveler is redirected to your website.

For redirection, you should ask Himalayan Bank to set the Backend-URL and Frontend-URL of your site on their server. Backend-URL is the URL where you get the response of your payment from the server and the Frontend-URL is the URL where the payer is redirected after successful payment is made.

Himalayan Bank Payment Gateway incorporates Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Union Pay cards and accepts payment in Nepali(NPR) and US currency. This results in increased conversion rates, improved customer experience and access to the global market.


  • Himalayan Bank Payment Gateway works in Nepal with Nepali and US currency only.
  • Himalayan Bank Payment Gateway works on the WordPress site and ONLY with WP Travel Engine plugin.
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