WP Travel Engine – Trip Fixed Starting Dates

Untouched WP Travel Engine – Trip Fixed Starting Dates 2.3.11

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WP Travel Engine – Trip Fixed Starting Dates​

WP Travel Engine – Trip Fixed Starting Dates.jpg

Download WP Travel Engine – Trip Fixed Starting Dates = wptravelengine.com/plugins/trip-fixed-starting-dates/

By default, all the trips can be booked throughout the year. Do you have trips with fixed departure dates and want them booked only on these days?

Trip Fixed Starting Dates extension allows you to set specific dates when the trips can be booked. In addition, it allows you to set the number of available spots and recurring time.


  • Trip Starting Dates: You can add unlimited trip starting dates for every trip.
  • Space/Seat Available: You can add a number of available seats for every trip starting dates.
  • Automatically Reduce Space/Seat: After each trip booking, the number of available seats gets calculated automatically until the number of seats gets sold out.
  • Recurring Time
    • Daily – You can set daily recurring trips, starting from a given date, till recursion time limit.
    • Weekly – You can set weekly recurring trips on selected weekdays, starting from a given date, till recursion time limit.
    • Monthly – You can set monthly recurring trips on selected months, starting from a given date, till recursion time limit.
    • Yearly – You can set yearly recurring trips, starting from a given date, till recursion time limit.
  • Recursion Limit: You can set the number of times a particular date is recurred, including the start date.
  • Short Codes: You can change the position where the fixed starting dates are displayed using the shortcodes.
  • All Fixed Starting Dates: You can display fixed starting dates from all the trips using the shortcode – [WTE_TRIPS_FIXED_STARTING_DATES]. Shortcode filters allow you to view trips by all available months and years.
Trip Fixed Starting Dates – Single Trip
All Fixed Departure Dates
The Guardian
First release
Last update


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