8-WEEKS TO FLUIDITY – Rope Flow Beginners

The Captain

Gambiato Lover
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GiveAway Master
Jul 17, 2022
8-WEEKS TO FLUIDITY – Rope Flow Beginners

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8-WEEKS TO FLUIDITY – Rope Flow Beginners.jpeg

Would you like to feel and move better?

Welcome to an entirely unique rite-of-passage practise I believe all Humans should try if they want to walk, run, move and play with a little more ease, grace and joy!

The Rope is like a magnifying glass on our movement patterns and shows us where we are not co-ordinated. The beauty of this tool is that part of the solution is in the diagnosis, as it teaches us more positive harmonious patterns of human movement as we continue to Flow with it!

8-Weeks to Fluidity takes you through the 3-Stages of Development that I believe to be the KEY to fast Rope Flow progress.

In this course you will learn..

How to mobilise your Spine with the Figure-8 Infinity Pattern (Stage 1)

How movement/energy spirals out from the Spine/Core down the Arms (Stage 2).

How the to connect/sequence the Legs with the Upper Body (Stage 3).

20+ Unique Rope Flow Patterns.

How to move with more poise and balance.

How to move with more co-ordination, fluid ease and efficiency.

You will get..

8-Weeks of unique programming.
Lifetime access to the material.
1-year online app access (can be extended upon request).
Goals to achieve at the end of each Stage.
A Golden Teacher Rope (if you've selected 'With Rope').
Me as your coach.
Whats expected of you?

Only 15-30 minutes per day.
3+ days per week
Good attitude to learn.

Patterns Included

Foundations: Underhand, Overhand, Dragon Roll and how to transition between.

Arms: Matador, Sneak (overhand and underhand), Hanumans Dance (Tandem Sneak), Milly Rock, Ace, Home Run, Cheetahs Tail.

Footwork: Double Dragon, Sneak Matrix, Sprinter Sneak.

Can I just use any old Rope?

You can try the basic patterns with anything; a shoelace, towel, dressing gown belt and get a feel for how it mobilises our spine in a unique way.

The difference with a Rope Flow specific Rope is that they have been chose for their weight, thickness and durability, in order to get the most out of this practise. You can certainly have a play with a cheap hardware rope to see if you might like the practise but once you try a pro-rope you would have a hard time going back.

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