Selling Divi Sensei Countdown

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Divi Sensei Countdown​

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Divi Sensei Countdown.jpeg
The Divi Sensei Countdown module is the most powerful countdown timer for the Divi Builder. It has all the features you were missing in Divis default Countdown module. It’s so good, our competitors started stealing our code.

Our Countdown module comes with 3 easy to use styles:

  • Flip Clock: a beautifully animated old school clock design where numbers flip every second
  • Block Clock: a more modern block design
  • Custom Click: a fully customizable design which has basically no limitations
Of course the module is completely customizable and fully stylable via the Divi Visual Builder. But lets talk about features. To beginn with, lets see how you can enter the date of your choice:

  • Choose a date via a date picker – just like the Divi Countdown module
  • Pull a date from a custom post field via the dynamic content feature – well that is new, isn’t it?
  • Choose the current date and add a custom offset – woah, really? Yes, indeed! You can even enable a cookie option so that whenever a user enters, he will see the clock ticking and its not resetting when the page is refreshed. This is the perfect feature if you want to build up some pressure.
But thats clearly not all, is it? Of course not! This is only the tip of the iceberg. There are many more features like what should happen when the defined date is reached. Possible events are:

  • Stop Clock: the clock stops at 0 and nothing happens. Quite boring but useful in some cases.
  • Continue: simply continue counting up from the date. This is interesting if you for example want to count how many days you are already in business.
  • Forward to URL: when the clock hits 0, forward the user to a given URL. Now we are talking landing pages, aren’t we?
  • Stop and execute JavaScript: yes, that is correct. You can execute your own JS code when the clock hits 0. The limit here is your imagination.
  • Stop and replace with HTML: enter some HTML which will replace the clock when it hits 0. Tell your users the party is over and that it was nice to have them.
But isn’t it hard to style such a wonderful product? Not in the slightest. Our predefined Flip Clock and Block Clock layouts look magnificent right out of the box but there are styling options for nearly everything – like you would expect them from any other Divi module.

But wait, theres more. Our Countdown can even deal with internationalization as well as pluralization. Not only are all texts in the module ready for translation, you can also change the labels of the Flip Clock and Block Clock right in the module – and they are pluralizable. Meaning “weeks” for example can become “week” when there is a one on the clock. If thats now awesome, we don’t know what is.

Well, maybe the fact that you can hide parts of the clock (like weeks or days), change all the colors, fonts or the size and for some extra sweetness, we even added custom CSS fields on the Advanced tab for you pros out there.

Access to Divi Sensei Countdown

Delivery and Refund
Delivery Type: All packages in hosted my account and after your payment I'll allow to access your email to the folder.
Delivery Time: I will let you access within 48 hours (excluded weekend) after payment completed. ( Please PM me after payment your account email --- P.S: Sometimes transferring the money could take time so we need to wait that time in order not to encounter any problem)

Refund -: I will full refund if I could not let you access within 48 hours OTHERWISE I dont accept REFUND.

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