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May 1, 2022
Some of my suggestions for Babiato never listened and here we are today, loosing our community !

Except DCMA Offshore hosting, everyday backups, one of them was to add a way to host completely this forum at Deep Web and being accessible via .onion (Tor Browser) as alternative (or if there is a way to sync databases would be great)

These kind of communities, needs really strong staff members, hard work and of course a way to earn for everyone, otherwise they just die.
I don't understand what happened to Babiato, maybe ssd failure, maybe they threatened or many other cases, but still we need explains as family members.

@GambitSteel , i think we need to add categories for Marketing/Buying/Selling/Trading/Premium Support to let users cooperate with each other as much as possible.

Also, forums cannot rely only to one person no matter what, suppose i am the big admin and after 500K users i die :D, all hosting providers, members and everything will be again dissapeared. But the community needs to stay alive no matter what, we will regroup in hell or paradise nevermind, but it needs to stay alive for others.
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The points you mention are very important and must be taken into account.

Babiato's departure was really suspicious, I personally think there were external
influences that led the provider to remove the content from the site

Regarding Gambiato, I will configure daily backups, as I have on my other servers,
full backup of the account to Google Drive

I synchronize this backup locally to have a backup of the backup

This week I will replicate Babiato's forum structure to have an experience as similar as possible

The theme of the Onion site I will see the possibility, although certain changes would
have to be made to achieve it

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this
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Hosting website to the Tor is simple and doesn't needs much efforts, it just needs an Cloud Server like DigitalOcean Ubuntu Server, and there should be installed the TOR Service which can run http.server module.

Along with that, installing database modules etc.

But at least it will be super safe and secure for all users, even for browsing or downloading.

This is just the top of the iceberg because this Cloud Machine needs some moneys :)

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