Update 15.0.0 - 7 May, 2022
The logo, favicon & opengraph of the site will have to be re-added after the update due to an upgrade to the related handling system.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable auto language detection via the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to set a different logo base on the theme style (dark or light).
- Implemented the ability to set a different logo for emails.
- Implemented the ability to reset statistics.
- Implemented RTL support for emails & improved the email templates looks.
- Implemented the ability to create multi-language pages from the admin panel.
- Implemented API endpoint for custom domains.
- Implemented an anti-phishing system code for emails sent out to users by the system.
- Implemented cookie consent logging feature to store proof of given consent.
- Implemented cookie consent logging export to CSV.
- Implemented cookie consent settings link in the footer, so that people can change their given consent at all times.
- Updated the rrweb library to the 1.1.2 release, now the standard tracking code is 50% lighter.
- Improved & added more widget details to the replay page.
- Added avg. recorded events & avg. duration per replay details to the replays list.
- Contact form, you can now reply-to via your email client directly via the sent email.
- Resend activation page will now be disabled if the email confirmation setting is disabled.
- Reworked and improved the Sitemap to include more pages, dynamically.
- Improved the pages resources center UI & fixed small bugs.
- Reworked and improved the language & dark mode switcher.
- All user sessions will be logged out if the account changes password (security improvement).
- Fixed Mollie annual payments not processing correctly.
- Fixed reset password not working for some particular emails & not logging the user in after the password change.
- Fixed language preference of a user being reset when re-logging in.
- Fixed admin impersonation of user logout not working properly.