
Automatic.css 3.0.5 (Untouched)

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V3.0.5 July 18,2024

Refactored Auto-Grid Classes

We’ve brought significant improvements to auto-grid functionality while maintaining backward compatibility with existing auto grids. Full details on auto-grid here.

Note: Logic for showing/hiding Auto Grid classes based on the new Auto Grid option switch will be added in a future update. We didn’t want these new Auto Grid improvements to wait on inconsequential context menu logic.
"Classless Workflow" Option

"Classless Workflow" Option

The utility classes area under options now has a toggle that allows you to switch off all utility classes at once. You can still toggle individual utility modules one by one as well.

Stretch (.stretch) class improvements

The stretch class was setting display to flex. In most cases this isn’t a problem, but it’s also unnecessary and potentially conflicts with the use of this class in certain grid scenarios. We’ve removed the display property.

Improvements to radius class loading logic

Turning off “additional radius sizes” would previously deactivate useful radius classes like .radius--50, .radius--circle, and .radius--none. This is no longer the case. You can turn off the sizes without affecting these classes.

Compatibility with Bricks Template Gallery in Bricks v1.10

Bricks v1.10 brings changes to the template gallery in the form of masonry layouts. Our previous optimizations would break this new layout structure, so we’ve made changes to prepare for the full release of 1.10.

Added new button variants to pre-loader

Light/dark button variants, tertiary button options, and neutral button options are now added to the pre-loader for class auto-suggest. You’ll need to deactivate and activate the plugin for these classes to be added to the builder’s auto-suggest feature.

Fixed WS Form placeholder styling not saving

Placeholder style values weren’t sticking. This is now fixed.

Removed duplicate line height field under H4

This was a JSON issue. The duplicate line height field is now gone
July 1, 2024
V 3.0.2

Fixes malformed calc() in default line-height causing fatal error on upgrade

Multiple users have tested 3.0.2 and verified that this fixes their issue. Not every user was experiencing the fatal error, but if you were one of the users experiencing this issue, 3.0.2 should fix it for you.
Hotfix: – Fixed an issue with a missing header height variable.
Removed line length controls in Bricks Builder (See Notes)
Removed image height reset
This release cleans up a few missed items from the beta rounds.

Fix for logical property instructions on image breakouts in Oxygen

Loom extension fix

Text align center added to button defaults

Fix for text line lengths causing overflow in Bricks

Explicitly set skip-link to display inline-flex

Fix for hover styles in skip links
Completely refactored color system.

var(--{color}-comp-h) partial variable.

Entire framework now uses CSS Logical Properties for modernization and RTL support.

Enhanced Builder Functionality (Oxygen & Bricks)

Official Support for Gutenberg

"Flex Grid" Classes

Dark Form Styles (.form--dark)

Added support for disabling class chaining in Bricks Builder (Mandatory for v2.5+)

Added "Load Deprecated Styles" option for optional deprecated styles support.

Link underline offset

Minor updates to dashboard color scheme & typography

Removed position/sticky classes from pro mode exclusions to make them available when Pro Mode is activated.

Refactored centering classes for easier management and to clean up Oxygen dependencies.

Separated global form styling inputs from dark/light form styling inputs.

Deprecated Styles (Owl & Ultra-Dark-Trans)

Added clarification for hover shade values.

Updated Server & WP Requirements

Base text size now allows decimals

Fixed object-fit--top-left and object-fit--bottom-left. These had incorrect coordinate combinations.

Breakpoint grid classes now properly target the inner wrapper in Oxygen sections again.

Display classes now take priority over almost anything else.

Various Form Styling Fixes

Various fixes & tweaks for contextual menus

Fixed an issue with breakout class specificity.

Removed the flex instruction from self--center so it doesn't do too much.

Fixed an HSL issue with white trans values.

Fixed a calculation issue with .pad-section classes.

Fixed an issue causing lightboxes to not load.

Fixed an unexpected horizontal scrollbar in dashboard.

Fixed an issue where the header-height variable interphases with Bricks structure panel.

Fxied an issue with stretch class not working in Oxygen.
Change Log 2.4.2
Fixed an issue with grids, flex, and centering working on Oxygen sections after recent update.
Bricks Forms: Fixed Submit button doesn't have the same height as other inputs
Bricks Forms: Fixed placeholder color
Bricks Forms: Fixed Radio background-color
Bricks Forms: Added Bottom Margin control to Form Fields
Bricks Forms: Added Grid Gutter control to Form Fields
Bricks Forms: Added 'Checkmark' background to checked Checkbox
2.3.0 Changelog
Customize box shadow names
Customize box shadow values
Box shadow variables
Added reference color swatches for every shade in the ACSS dashboard (Edit Shades dropdown)
Added HSL reference values for main colors in the ACSS dashboard (Edit Shades dropdown)
Added Hue inputs for all color shades for ultimate fine tuning of shades (Edit Shades dropdown)
Variables for color partials (all colors)
—{color}-hex (references the hex code for the color)
—{color}-hsl(references the hsl value string for the color)
Especially valuable when creating custom transparencies… background-color: hsl(var(—primary-hsl) / .22) = your primary color at 22% opacity.
—{color}-rgb (references the rgb value string for the color)
—{color}-h (references the hue value for the color)
—{color}-s (references the saturation value for the color)
—{color}-l (references the lightness value for the color)
—{color}-r (references the “r” value for the color)
—{color}-g (references the “g” value for the color)
—{color}-b (references the “b” value for the color)
Admin Bar height variable
var(—admin-bar-height) to replace the obnoxious clown show WP default variable that nobody can ever remember: var(--wp-admin--admin-bar--height)
Set text line lengths for every text size.
You can now control the line length for every text size.
Set line height for every text size.
You can now control the default line height for every text size.
Boxed Layout Setting
Under “Viewport” you can now choose to enable a boxed layout for your website.
Website background color is now in this panel (was previously in the typography tab).
Set the website background color and device/browser background color separately.
Set a boxed layout width
Define a box shadow for your boxed layout
Set a top margin for your boxed layout (if you want a more 3 dimensional boxed layout effect)
Define borders for your boxed layout (width, color, style).
Offset Page Content Automatically
New toggle under Additional Styling > Header Styling called “Offset Page Content Automatically.”
Automatically offset your page content when using a sticky or fixed header.
Also offsets the initial “add element” controls in Bricks’ canvas (so you can still interact with them).
.form—light now works to style Bricks’ native search form.
.form—light now works to style Oxygen’s native search form.
New ‘Help Text’ styling in WS Form Integration (Beta)
Pro Mode
Turns off all but the most important framework classes. Retains all variables. Lightens the framework load by around 50%. Designed for advanced users who mostly use custom classes and variables.
When Pro Mode is activated, and unused buttons and colors are turned off, the framework is up to 85% lighter.
Doesn’t remove classes from the auto-suggest / builder database yet. We’re working on a way to do that safely.
Turning off parts of the framework will now only turn off classes associated with that part of the framework. Variables will still work, allowing advanced users to lighten the framework by disabling classes while still using those parts of the framework via variables.
Consolidated “Text Styling” into the main Text panel in Typography
Consolidated “Heading Styling” into the main Headings panel in Typography
Moved “Fix Paragraph & Spacing” option to Options panel
var(—header-height) now auto scales down through all breakpoint values so you don’t have to reference the breakpoint variables in your custom code.
Fixed issues with var/calc expansion expanding links, aspect ratios, and breaking pseudo element colon spacing in CSS, etc
Fixed an issue with scroll offsets not respecting the breakpoint values
Object fit classes now work when images are wrapped in <figure> tags
Fixed —btn-width missing a unit on the value.
Fixed fatal error when activating the plugin via WP CLI
Bricks Form Integration (Beta)
Fixed Checkbox alignements
Fixed File Upload button style
WS Form Integration (Beta)
Fixed Input border style not working
Fixed wrong Input Phone field padding
Fixed Placeholder text color + text opacity not working
Fixed Range Slider background colors
Fixed Checkboxes + Radios background color
Fixed Radios border color not working
Fixed Submit button border style
Fixed checkbox label color
Fixed Datetime picker gets Action color (not supported in Firefox)
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