Beaver Builder Pro  WordPress Page Builder Plugin

Nulled Beaver Builder Pro WordPress Page Builder Plugin 2.8.3 (Untouched)

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2.8.3 - 06/27/2024​


  • Add class for columns with background images (#1658)
  • Debug: Add history counts (#3323)
  • Clear cache when you import BB settings (#3441)

Bug Fixes

  • Security: Update libraries for MailJet and MailerLite integrations (#3426)
  • Security: Use sanitize_html_class for icon classes where necessary in Icon, Button, Post, Accordion and Pricing Table modules (#3462)
  • Fix container modules not being read by Relevanssi (#3460)
  • Fix not being able to drag into the Box module when it has no padding (#3435)
  • Fix conflict with Yoast SEO when an image has shortcode in alt text (#3468)
  • Countdown Module: Fix styling of field connection window (#3439)
  • Fix issue with ACF Blocks integration where shortcodes in Post Module were returning no data (#3431)
  • Fix fatal error with ACF Color field set tor return RGBA Array (#3389)
  • Fix integration with ClassicPress 2 (#3405)
  • Outline Panel: Fix dragging into box modules in global rows (#3411)
  • Fix validation errors in CSS (#3194)
  • Fix PHP warning with jsmin when using PHP 7.0 (#3182)
  • Slideshow: Fix boxes transition showing blank/empty image on mobile (#185)

2.7.1 - 07/06/2023​


  • Remove the word "Settings" from Row and Column settings to be consistent with modules (#2698)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix edits to global modules in global rows not rendering properly (#2579)
  • Fix not being able to drag modules into global rows
  • Fix CSS not loading in the iFrame UI when WordPress folder name is the same as theme folder name (#2759)
  • Dark Mode: Global Node label text color isn't using the correct color (#2666)
  • Changing the URL causes a fatal error until refresh in Beaver Builder Lite (#2744)
  • Fix an issue when upgrading from 2.6 -> 2.7 where the breakpoint icons could have none selected (#2716)
  • Fix icon search when capitalizing search words (#2729)
  • Fix conflict with the 3rd party BB plugin, Dashboard Welcome (#2607)
  • Accordion Module: Fix more link showing when Post Content is selected (#2693)
  • Fix overlays being clipped in the iFrame UI when you have more than two columns on small devices (#2711)
  • Fix settings panel scrollbar freezing when directly clicked (#2701)
  • Fix Order by meta value not working when filtering by a different custom field (#2652)
  • Fix some PHP 8.2 warnings when saving modules as global (#2641)
  • Fix labels interfering with overlays (#2508)
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