Dynamic Content for Elementor

Untouched Dynamic Content for Elementor 3.0.12 (Untouched)

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v3.0.12 – 2024/08/21
Tweak: Dynamic Email for Elementor Pro Form, add filter dynamicooo/dynamic-email/attachments
Tweak: Swiper compatibility for carousels on Elementor 2.24
Tweak: migrated scroll triggers from waypoint.js to IntersectionObserver
Fix: ACF Frontend Form widget was not working in some cases
Fix: Dynamic Post widget, grid layout with masonry, sometimes the items would overlap on first load
Fix: Form Dynamic Shortcodes did not work inside the Dynamic Tag Shortcode in some cases
Fix: PHP HTML templates, missing font file error in some cases
Minor fixes
v3.0.8 – 2024/06/20
* Tweak: Modals widget, add jQuery action dynamicooo/modals/show for custom code triggers
* Fix: Elementor’s Loop Grid widget styles might be missing with visibility enabled
* Fix: ACF Slider widget should not display previous slides when using the Fade Effect
* Fix: Fire Modal Window widget, prevent flash of content in some cases
* Minor fixes
v2.13.8 – 2024/04/09
* Notice: Required Elementor version is now v3.12.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro v3.12.0
* Notice: Tokens Settings are moved to Features – Tokens Tab
* Notice: Template System settings are moved to Features / Template System Tab
* Tweak: Dynamic Google Maps, now the ACF Field can be a subfield
* Tweak: Removed ‘Autoplay Stop on Hover” from Carousel on ACF Slider, ACF Repeater, ACF Repeater (old version), Dynamic Posts (old version) to avoid JS issues. Now ‘Disable autoplay on interaction’ is used.
* Minor fixes
v2.10.6 - 2023/07/19
* Tweak: Added "Return Format" on Dynamic Tag - Favorites and Dynamic Tag - Woo Wishlist
* Fix: Post Type not retrieved correctly in some features such as Dynamic Posts, after last update 2.10.5
* Fix: ACF Relationship now also works correctly when the return format is 'Post Object'
* Fix: Modals, button icon, the color spacing and position settings had no effect
* Minor Fixes
v2.10.4 - 2023/06/20
* Fix: Modals widget, visual glitch when hovering the X closing button
* Fix: Dynamic Email for Elementor Pro Form, [all-fields|!empty] was not working
* Minor Fixes
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