3.20.2 - 2024-03-26
- Security Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Media Carousel widget
- Security Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Form widget
- Security Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Post Navigation widget
- Security Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Gallery widget
- Security Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Video Playlist widget
v3.14.1 - 2023-06-26
* Tweak: Improved navigation on touch devices in Carousel widget ([#22827](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/22827))
* Fix: Missing navigation arrows on lightbox in Gallery widget ([#22870](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/22870))
3.14.0 - 2023-06-19
- New: Introducing Carousel widget - Infinite design possibilities, and nesting capabilities ( , )
- Tweak: Added Static Item Position functionality to Alternate template in Loop Grid widget
- Tweak: Added visual indication of Page Parts
- Tweak: Added dividers option between menu items in Menu widget
- Tweak: Changed the HTML structure of Pagination and Navigation in Loop Carousel and Nested Carousel widgets
- Tweak: Added shop page in WooCommerce Pages section in Site Settings
- Tweak: Added Text Shadow, Box Shadow and Padding control to button in Call to Action widget
- Tweak: Added Lazy Load support for images in Video Playlist widget
- Tweak: Added alt attribute to images in Video Playlist widget
- Tweak: Replaced select control with choose control for Flip Direction control in Flip Box widget
- Tweak: Added keyboard accessibility to Carousel and Loop Carousel widgets
- Tweak: Use media_types array in Media controls
- Fix: Lightbox is still enabled after disabling it in the Site Settings in Gallery widget ( , )
- Fix: Responsive settings for templates don't work as expected when Additional Custom Breakpoints feature is active ( , )
- Fix: Inner containers are not presented as expected in Menu widget ( )
- Fix: Popup width does not support percentages ( )
- Fix: PHP 8.x throws errors when using WooCommerce Ajax response ( )
- Fix: Mini cart template appears as empty in various scenarios in Menu Cart widget ( )
- Fix: Order by Price doesn't work for the Latest products or Manual Selection in Products widget
- Fix: Dropdown indicator icon is not vertically aligned to the text when using icon in Menu Widget
- Fix: Mixed content warning in the console for Video Playlist widget
- Fix: Preview settings are not presented as expected after first save in Loop Template
- Fix: Not-crawlable link error in Video Playlist widget
- Fix: Lightbox is still enabled after disabling it in the Site Settings in Logo widget
- Fix: Focus state issue on page load when using Table of Content widget
v3.13.1 - 2023-05-11
* Security Fix: Addressed security weaknesses in access management related functions
* Fix: Excerpt content pulled from post content is showing with HTML tags in Loop Grid widget ([#22367](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/22367))
#### 3.12.3 - 2023-04-23
* Fix: Document is not loading after assigning a CSS ID value to a menu item in Menu widget ([#21934](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/21934))
* Fix: Elementor CLI causes conflicts with other CLI commands when using PHP 8+ ([#21582](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/21582))
* Fix: Dropdown content area is not working as expected with Space Between and Margins in Menu widget
* Fix: Reverted the option to set a custom icon to Remove Item in Menu Cart widget
* Fix: Mini cart template appears as empty in various scenarios in Menu Cart widget
3.12.2 - 2023-04-09
* Fix: Mini cart template appears as empty in various WordPress themes ([#21836](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/21836))