GreenShift All In One Page Builder

Nulled GreenShift All In One Page Builder 8.9.8 (Untouched)

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Added: Support for social share when they are used in ajax
Added: Convertion from core image to advanced image block
Fix: for empty global class bug and some other improvements


  • Added: New Bulk stretch and align option for inner items for CSS grid builder
  • Fix: Accordion inner items background issue
Greenshift Changelog
Added: Option to remove element styles in Stylebook
Added: Option to set custom variables in unit controlled fields
Fix: Slider fix for scenarios when slider is in flexbox

6.7 Greenshift​

  • Added: Ken Burns quick effect panel for Slider block
  • Added: Options to control design of scrollbar in Smart scroll feature
  • Added: css transition added automatically if it’s empty while adding css transform values
  • Added: Dynamic button label placeholders
  • Added: Icon transition effects for Button
  • Fix: column gap for mobiles
  • Fix: custom z index for popup
  • Fix: Video dynamic url doesn’t require fallback
  • Change: Breaking change in Container structure + fix for Firefox bug in Flipbox
  • Fix: Selection bug in List block


Added: Visual css grid builder for FSE
== Changelog ==

= 6.3 =
* Fix: Accessibility options for Container link for images
* Fix: Images use Lazyload in FSE templates by default
* Added: Slides can have anchors in Slider block
* Added: Popup/Sliding panels support dynamic content

  • 6.2.5
    Fix: Accessibility options for Iconbox bloc
  • 6.2.3
    Fix: column gap sometimes breaks blocks
  • 6.2.2
    Added: Clip animation presets
    Added: 3d block and Splide 3d support Dynamic data
  • 6.2
    Added: Updated Slider options (Wheel, Keyboard, Snapping, custom pagination)
    Added: Updated CSS transform panel with new Active state options (used to add animations in sliders, tabs, flipbox, etc)
    Added: Flexbox controls in toolbar
    Added: Ajax add to cart button with inputs and variation swatches for Wholesale sites Woocommerce
    Added: New Woocommerce plan

Animation Addon

  • 3.4.1 version – 20 June 2023
    Update: On Slider Trigger for Animation Container

Query Addon

  • 3.0 version – 24 Jun 2023
    Added: 360 gallery block
    Added: 360 Dynamic gallery block
    Added: Dynamic gallery block supports attaching 3d files
  • 2.9.8 version – 20 Jun 2023
    Added: Option to add custom No More post label for query grid
    Fix: Custom Lazy load for dynamic images

Woocommerce Addon

  • 1.0 version – 20 Jun 2023
    Added: Ajax cart button with quantity and variations
    Added: Pattern for Wholesale grid with quantity selectors
    Added: Cart block is live now
  • 1.0 version – 15 Jun 2023
    Added: Support for latest Woocommerce and fix for cart script
    Added: Support for Rehub theme
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