Mailster - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress

Nulled Mailster - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress 4.1.2 (Untouched)

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8/9/2024 V4.1.2

fixed: PHP warning in automations class
fixed: missing ID when block forms are used on the frontend
fixed: missing campaign on email workflow
fixed: some strings weren't translate-able improved: translations
improved: form patterns are now translate-able
added: link to Translator Program on dashboard
v3.3.7 (2023-07-07)
- fixed: missing action on migration process
- improved: handling of trials
- updated: Freemius SDK to 2.5.10

Version 3.3.5 (2023-06-14)​

  • updated: Freemius SDK to 2.5.9
  • fixed: small CSS issues on RTL
v3.3.4 (2023-06-01)
- fixed: MySQL error on Autoresponder which uses "has received but not opened" or "has received and not clicked" condition.
- fixed: RTL CSS issue on Autoresponder options sidebar
- fixed: RTL CSS issue in admin bar and settings
v3.2.0 (2022-08-17)
  • fixed: querying subscribers do no longer return subscribers with status deleted.
  • fixed: adding an already deleted subscriber working as expected.
  • fixed: wrong timestamp on signups if subscriber exists.
  • improved: support for multiple campaigns triggered by action hooks.
  • improved: removed skeleton loader on foreign columns in overview.
  • improved: action hook campaigns support now multiple hooks, separated with a comma.
  • improved: database updates now run in the background (optional).
  • improved: taxonomies dropdown now uses select2 library to better handle large taxonomy entries.
  • new defaults strings form confirmation message.
  • confirmation page on newsletter homepage now wrapped with `wpautop`.
  • new filters: `mailster_editor_tags` and `mailster_notification_content`.
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Thanks to @veera
v3.1.5 (2022-06-16)
  • new: growth rates on campaign overview
  • opens, clicks, unsubscribes and bounces are now sortable
  • minimum required PHP version is now 7.2.5
  • reduced size of vendor folder
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