Version 6.7.18 (20th August 2024)
The deep link URL hash does not change when the slide changes
The Mouse Wheel `CallDelay` option is undefined, making mouse operation on Mac impossible
Global layers that are forced to the background are incorrectly positioned on the stage
The number of fingers touching and swiping the screen is being ignored. Touch screens are reacting to single fingers only
Image animation combined with background color animation may fail if not all frame’s background color defined correctly
Video layers have neither muted nor unmuted state at first load in SR7 Frontend, if video is set to Muted in SR6 Editor
Trying to load an absent post image in the post based slider causes an JavaScript error
Clicking on the slide’s background videos will pause the playback
Streams do not have layers in v7 from the second slide onwards
Material is missing from WebGL Context clearing process
V 6.7.15 (10th July 2024)
Zone positions on mobile sizes are not calculated well on some slides
Vimeo arguments are ignored in SR7 frontend on background videos
Perspective is set on layers if they dont have any rotation, breaking fonts on iOS
Deep link is not working on carousel layout
First alternative slide is not working on any layout in SR7
Video with auto height not resized properly
Static layers can not be triggered any more by normal layers via actions
Video slider are skipping slides if they are set to rewind and switch the slide at the end of the video
Content on mobile phones are offsetted after oriention change
Video overlay color settings has no effects
Images using auto width and height dimensions in columns are not respecting their parent container dimensions
V 6.7.14 (25th June 2024)
Mute & unmute videos not working well in some cases
If preloading is active for the SR7 Data Load Method, global slides are not loaded from the third slider onwards
Global setting “Include library globally” is not respected by the SR7 engine
Slider not initialized when optimized by Rocket Loader
SR7 removes sibling tags like span and p
Vimeo attributes like pip, dnt, pip, transcript, portrait are not working
The ToolBarTopFunction is still using the jQuery library, producing some errors in preview pages if jQuery is not loaded
Fullscreen height on mobile is not respecting min height of content in some cases
Parallax disabled on mobile still calculates the initial offset position of parallax elements which renders all layers at the wrong position
SVG export with starting // is not processed properly
Background image on module repeated even if the option is not selected
Media library image was not showing for post based slides if featured image on a post was missing
Security hardening to prevent XSS: Input sanitization and output escaping now enforced on layer actions
Version 6.7.9 (30th April 2024)
Media position miscalculated when no aspect ratio is set and aspect ratio unavailable at preload.
Permission checks missing for Instagram and Facebook API requests.
Potential XSS vulnerabilities due to unescaped output of slider parameters.
‘Touchstart’ and ‘Touchend’ behavior on mobile devices differs from SR6.
‘mailto:’ and ‘tel:’ simple link actions removed in SR7 frontend.
SVGs within ‘a’ tag layers not respecting parent layer dimensions.
Hero Slide fails to initiate if navigation visibility was previously configured.
Timeline set to loop through a single frame does not loop in SR7.
Elementor backend does not display SR7 Modules in Live Editor.
Scroll-based timelines break visually when layout is set to fullscreen and browser height is less than module height.
SR7 Frontend loads slower if Modules added via Shortcode, due missing JSON SR7 needs to load per restApi the datas on demand
Version 6.7.5 (19th April 2024)
- Empty Tag Removal in Text Layers: Empty span and p tags within text layers are removed, despite being used for visual effects or by third-party functions.
- Image Rendering with Special Characters: Images with special space characters used as background for shapes cause rendering issues in SR7.
- Gradient and Image Conflict: Elements with both gradient coloring and an image source render only the image, ignoring gradient colors in the frontend.
- Container Dimension Calculation Error: Container rendering dimensions are incorrectly calculated if module width and height are oversized on desktop level.
- Video Autoplay Issue in Safari: Unmuted videos fail to start without user interaction on Safari browser.
- Scroll Timeline Displacement: Modules based on scroll timeline without a fixed position are calculated with oversized height upon initialization, causing incorrect scrolling behavior with Scroll to Id navigation.
- PanZoom Effect shows the original Image underlaying the Pan Zoom effect, causing a double effect
- Simple Link and Menu Link forwards to the wrong address based on the different settings
- Simple and Menu Link fails if target is a simple hash char
- Slide Background Video loops even option is disabled
- HTML Export for V7 engine does not export V7 data
- Formating the WordPress date format in a wrong way can cause the Slider Revolution backend to produce JS errors
- Image From Stream option produced error when there were no Stream available
- Global Custom Fonts are not written in V7 engine output
Version 6.7.3 (12th April 2024)
- Carousel Interaction Issue: Dragging the carousel with a longer delay causes an overjump of the next element if it’s already in focus.
- Rapidly click on Navigation elements makes the Carousel aniamtion stuttering
- Text Layer Issue: Text layers cannot be selected, even with ‘Layer Selectable’ enabled in default settings.
- Video Dimension Issue: HTML5 video elements receive incorrect dimensions on the 2nd and subsequent slides if a fullscreen video exists on the first slide.
Version 6.7.0 (5th April 2024)
Introducing Velocity Engine
Upgraded to SR7 “Velocity” Engine for improved efficiency and animation fluidity. Legacy SR6 Engine included for continued support
Version 6.6.14 (30th May 2023)
- Backend: Whenever an empty folder is reopened, it will now automatically be reconnected to the root directory.
- Backend: Now, when opening an empty folder, a brief breadcrumb will be displayed to explain its empty status.
- Updated google fonts list
- Changed ajax call request name for the backend as the OWASP Core Ruleset does not allow the use of the old name
- Carousel jumps to wrong slide while navigating if slider is different height slides
- Opening modal with specific slide doesn’t work correctly on carousel slider
- Setting the zIndex value to “Auto” on hover resulted in a zIndex of 500, inadvertently leading to overlap with other areas.
- Editor: When the background color of a module is changed, it doesn’t update live to reflect the selected color. The background color only updates after the color picker modal is closed.
- Backend: Action references on global layers originating from slides other than the global slide are non-functional. Selecting any layer from global slides consequently results in the removal of the action from the list.
- SFX Block Layer transition only fades in Safari