Tagxi Super Bidding - Taxi + Goods Delivery Complete Solution With Bidding Option

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Tagxi Super Bidding - Taxi + Goods Delivery Complete Solution With Bidding Option​


Download Tagxi Super Bidding - Tagxi Super Bidding - Taxi + Goods Delivery Complete Solution With Bidding Option = codecanyon.net/item/tagxi-super-bidding-taxi-goods-delivery-complete-solution-with-bidding-option/46064222

Accelerate the growth of your Transportation Enterprise using our cutting-edge, customer-focused Ride and Goods delivery Management System, complete with an advanced bidding capability. Our platform is meticulously designed to streamline and resolve the intricate challenges encountered during dispatch operations, ensuring seamless real-time solutions. At Tagxi-Super-Bidding, our relentless pursuit of innovation and state-of-the-art technology guarantees unparalleled value addition to your Taxi and Delivery Business, propelling it towards unrivaled success.

Key Features

User App​

  • Set pickup/Drop location by map
  • book a ride & Realtime ETA
  • Facilitate competitive fare selection among drivers.
  • Show cars on map in Realtime
  • Book A Schedule Ride
  • Save Favourite Location
  • Apply Promo codes
  • Choose Payment Method as cash/card/wallet
  • Add Money to Wallet by Debit/Credit Card
  • Localization Supports
  • Multiple Currency Support
  • SOS-Realtime Notify to admin
  • Referral Program
  • In-App chat B/W Driver & User
  • Ride History with Trip status fiter
  • Ratings & Review
  • Cancel Ride with dynamic cancellation reasons

Driver App​

  • Switch Into the shift
  • Bidd the fare between customers
  • Manage Documents & Approval
  • Earnings Dashboard
  • Realtime location update during On trip
  • Start Ride with Otp Feature
  • Cancel Ride with dynamic cancellation reasons
  • Add Money to Wallet by Debit/Credit Card
  • Localization Supports
  • Multiple Currency Support
  • SOS-Realtime Notify to admin
  • Referral Program
  • In-App chat B/W Driver & User
  • Ride History with Trip status filter

Admin Portal​

  • Realtime Dashboard
  • Configure Needed documents
  • Roles & Permissions for admin app menus
  • Settings & Configurations
  • Geofencing & Zone creation
  • Multiple currency support by creating service location
  • Price configuration for ride now/ Schedule ride
  • Heat Map
  • Gods Eye(Map view of drivers)
  • Trip Request Management
  • User & Driver Management
  • sos Number configurations
  • Surge Price & Timings
  • Cancellation Reasons Configurations
  • complaint Catgory & Complaint state Management
  • Send Custom Push Notifications to the user & driver
  • Reports- for user,driver & Travel & Financial Reports
  • FAQ Management
  • Ratings & Review Management
  • Live Tracking each Request
  • Airport Pickup/Drop Fee Configs

Dispatcher Portal​

  • Realtime Tracking drivers on Map
  • Driver filters On Map
  • Book a Ride
  • Book a Schedule Ride
  • Realtime Trip Request status
  • Detailed of each Ride

Payment Gateway Test Cards​

  1. Stripe Card Info

  2. Card No: 4242 4242 4242 4242

    Cvv: Any 3 Digits number

    Expiry Date -Any Future Date
  3. Paystack

  4. Card No: 4084 0840 8408 4081

    Cvv: 408

    Expiry Date -Any Future Date
  5. RazorPay
  6. Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
  7. Cashfree
  8. Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Package Contents​

The package you will get after purchase consists of following folders

  • Documentation: Available online :
    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
  • Flutter Source Code Of user & driver apps
  • Server-App : Admin panel & Backend api Source code
  • Like
Reactions: ersonusaini
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