Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder

Untouched Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder 1.5.105

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* Fix: fixed some filters and request related issue
* Fix: fixed specific post and terms select
version 1.5.103: 2024-04-16

Plugin Changes:

* Feature: added option to add additional url attributes to post links
* Feature: improved woo category thumbnail image gether
* Feature: added option to unite gallery - strip_speed
* Fix: fixed some widgets editor enable visibility bug
* Fix: fixed entrance animation run if inside a viewport window
* Fix: fixed some security issues - escaping some fields output

Widgets Changes:

* Feature: Overlay Carousel (Pro) - Implemented 'Show Dots' option. This new functionality allows users to toggle the visibility of dots within the widget, providing greater control over navigation indicators.
* Feature: Checkbox Field (Pro) - Implemented 'Checkbox Custom Icon' option. This new functionality allows users to customize the appearance of checkboxes by providing custom icons, enhancing the visual presentation of checkboxes within the widget.
* Feature: Video Playlist (Pro) - Implemented 'Strip Navigation Speed' option. This new functionality allows users to adjust the speed of navigation within the strip, providing finer control over the scrolling behavior.
* Feature: Expanding Content Cards (Pro) - Implemented 'Background Image Align' option. This new functionality allows users to specify the alignment of the background image, providing greater control over its positioning within the element.
* Feature: Post Magazine Grid (Pro) - Implemented 'Meta Date Date Format' option. This new functionality allows users to specify the date format for meta date display, providing customization options for date presentation.
* Feature: Justified Image Carousel (Pro) - Implemented 'Show Item Title in Lightbox' option. This new functionality allows users to toggle the display of item titles within the lightbox, providing control over the visibility of titles for a better user experience.
* Feature: Search Filter (Pro) - Implemented 'Custom Links Ending' option. This new functionality allows users to change links in the connected grid to highlight the search phrase.
* Feature: Load More / Infinite Scroll (Pro) - Implemented 'Connect To Grids Group' option. This new functionality allows users to connect the filter widget to a particular grid widget.
* Feature: Post Pagination (Free) - Implemented 'Connect To Grids Group' option. This new functionality allows users to connect the filter widget to a particular grid widget.
* Feature: Content Switcher (Pro) - Introduced option to fire a resize event on tab click, ensuring proper functionality of other widgets inside tab Content Switcher for a smoother and more seamless user experience.
* Feature: Submit Button (Free) - Implemented 'Show Field Name In Empty Field Error Message' option. This new functionality allows users to include the field name in the empty field error message, providing clearer feedback to users when a required field is left blank.
* Feature: Side Menu (Pro) - Implemented 'Templates Width' and 'Templates Horizontal Align' options.
* Change: Unlimited Grid (Pro) - Changed 'Title Spacing' option to 'Title Margin'. This change allows users to add margin in all directions to the title, providing more granular control over its positioning within the widget.
* Fix: Content Box Hover Text Reveal (Free) - Resolved issue where Overlay Opacity option wasn't working on mobile devices. This fix ensures that the Overlay Opacity option functions correctly across all devices, providing consistent behavior and appearance.
* Fix: Multi Step Form (Pro) - Fixed Multi Step Error Message not showing when empty and required field was present on active step.
* Fix: Submit Button (Free) - Fixed Submit Button verification issue when fields with 0 value were parsed as empty.
* Fix: Slider Field (Pro) - Resolved issue where border radius for focus state differed from regular state. This fix ensures that the border radius remains consistent across different states.
* Fix: Icon Bullets (Free) - Fixed issue related to Hover Colors not being revealed after item hover.
* Fix: Team Member Sliding Effect (Pro) - Resolved issue related to global colors usage. This fix ensures that global colors are properly utilized throughout the widget, maintaining consistency and accuracy in color rendering.
* Fix: Post Magazine Grid (Pro) - Optimized widget HTML. This optimization improves the efficiency and performance of the widget by streamlining the HTML structure and reducing unnecessary code.
* Fix: Form Fields Widgets: Resolved vulnerability where scripts could be injected under certain widget attributes. This fix ensures that scripts are properly sanitized and prevented from being inserted into widget attributes, mitigating potential security risks.
version 1.5.101: 2024-04-03

Plugin Changes:

* Feature - added "date time" attribute to items attributes list
* Feature - made some integration for "relevanssi" plugin
* Feature - added woo rating stars to multisource fields
* Feature - added visual text that showing the form fields conditions
* Fix - fixed filters mode init mode
* Fix - fixed various filters related bugs
* Fix - fixed ucpage parameter fetch for pagination in archive page
* Fix - fixed gallery from meta field item source texts
* Fix - fixed some number field processing
* Fix - fixed multisep form with template submit
version 1.5.100: 2024-03-17

Plugin Changes:

* Feature: added option to connect the filters to some specific grid group
* Fix: fixed js run for background output not always happend
* Fix: filters was shown only related to grid taxonomies after changing to "all"
* Fix: returned some tiles gallery images that was missing

Widgets Changes:

* Feature: List (Free) - Implemented 'Open Link in New Tab' option. This new functionality allows users to specify whether links should open in a new tab, providing flexibility in link behavior.
* Feature: Compact Gallery (Free) - Implemented 'Hide Thumbnail Panel Under Width' option. This new functionality allows users to hide the thumbnail panel when the viewport width is below a specified threshold, optimizing the display for smaller screens.
* Feature: Select Dropdown Filter (Pro) - Implemented 'Connect To Grids Group' option. This new functionality allows users to connect the filter widget to a particular grid widget.
* Feature: Checkboxes Filter (Pro) - Implemented 'Connect To Grids Group' option. This new functionality allows users to connect the filter widget to a particular grid widget.
* Feature: Tabs Filter (Pro) - Implemented 'Connect To Grids Group' option. This new functionality allows users to connect the filter widget to a particular grid widget.
* Feature: Scroll Sequence (Pro) - Added 'Image Horizontal Shift' option, allowing users to adjust the horizontal position of the image for enhanced customization and layout control.
version 1.5.97: 2024-03-04

Plugin Updates:

* Fix: allow showing authors name translated
* Change: updated font awesome version to 6
* Fix: done some link attribute security fix

Widgets Updates:

* Feature: Accordion Menu (Pro) - Implemented 'Active State Color' options for Sub Menu items. This new functionality allows users to customize the color of sub-menu items when they are in the active state, providing enhanced visual feedback.
* Feature: Content Slider (Pro) - Made 'Slide Margin' option available for Full Slider Type and Offset Slider Type. This update expands the usability of the margin customization, allowing users to set margins between slides in both Full Slider and Offset Slider configurations.
* Feature: Icon Tabs (Pro) - Made 'Start Collapsed' option responsive. This update ensures that the 'Start Collapsed' behavior adjusts responsively, providing a consistent and user-friendly experience across various devices and screen sizes.
* Feature: Post Accordion (Free) - Introduced 'Expand All Accordion' functionality, enabling users to expand all accordion items with a single click for improved content accessibility.
* Feature: Fullscreen Menu (Free) - Introduced option to customize the thickness of the animated hamburger icon bars, providing users with greater control over the visual appearance of the icon.
* Change: Coverflow Carousel (Pro) - Updated 'Button Link' option: if empty, no link will be applied. This modification ensures that if the 'Button Link' option is left empty, no link will be associated with the button within the widget.
* Fix: Product Carousel (Pro) - Optimized widget HTML code. This update enhances performance and efficiency by streamlining the HTML structure of the widget.
* Fix: Content Tabs (Free) - Improved widget interaction within an Elementor's popup. This update ensures a more seamless and optimized experience when utilizing the widget within a popup setting.
version 1.5.96:

* Feature: added option for time_ago_short in timelines that will show shorter version of minutes and hours text
* Feature: added defaults for weather widget
* Fix: fixed hourly weather fields
* Fix: fixed the import with images functionality
* Fix: set default timeout to remote requests
* Fix: fixed the image duplicate when importing templates
version 1.5.95: 2024-02-12:

* Feature: Ensure that the blog displayed on the "Home" page of the plugin is always up-to-date.
* Feature: Implemented support for tags in the widget catalog.
* Feature: Added an option for galleries to play videos in muted mode.
* Feature: Integrated weather forecast data preparation for the widget.
* Fix: Addressed some minor potential security risks associated with the import templates functionality.
* Fix: Rectified email validation for Form Email2.
* Fix: Resolved some issues with the price range filter.
* Fix: fixed the problem where dynamic template styles disappeared after updating Elementor Pro.

Widgets Updates:

* Feature: Image Zoom Content Box (Free) - Implemented 'Title Tag' option. This new functionality allows users to specify the HTML tag for titles within the widget, providing flexibility and control over the semantic structure of the content.
* Feature: Post Accordion (Free) - Implemented 'Disable Link in Image' option. This new functionality allows users to disable the link associated with an image, providing more control over the interactive behavior of images within the widget.
* Feature: Slider Gallery (Free) - Implemented 'Mute Video' option. This new functionality allows to play videos muted by default. Volume can be adjusted in video players on live page.
* Feature: Unlimited Charts (Pro) - Implemented 'Item Bar Width' option. This new functionality allows users to customize the width of individual bars, providing greater control over the visual representation of items.
* Feature: Remote Item Navigation (Pro) - Introduced 'Border Override Color' options for Regular and Active states. This new functionality allows users to customize border colors separately for both Regular and Active states, enhancing visual styling in the widget.
* Feature: Post Grid (Pro) - Implemented 'Title Min Height' option. This new functionality allows users to set a minimum height for the title, offering more control over the visual presentation and consistency in the widget.
* Feature: Checkbox Field (Pro) - Introduced 'Show Link' option. This new functionality enables users to show or hide links and customize their styling within the widget, offering more control over the interactive elements.
* Feature: Counter (Free) - Implemented 'Add Link To Widget Container' option. This new functionality allows users to include a link, enhancing the interactive capabilities of the element by enabling navigation to another page or resource.
* Feature: Icon Box Accordion (Pro) - Introduced 'Icon + Text' option for Graphic Element. This new value expands customization by allowing users to display both an icon and text within the Graphic Element for richer visual representation.
* Feature: Before After (Pro) - Added support for the widget inside Elementor's Tabs widget. This enhancement ensures seamless integration and compatibility, allowing users to utilize the widget effectively within Elementor's Tabs.
* Feature: Justified Image Carousel (Pro) - Implemented 'Hide Inactive Arrow' option. This new functionality allows users to hide inactive arrows, providing a cleaner and more focused appearance in the widget interface.
* Feature: Layers (Pro) - Added shadow for icon type layers.
* Feature: Icon Pointer Button (Pro) - Introduced 'Direction' option. This new functionality allows users to specify the direction for RTL (Right-to-Left) or LTR (Left-to-Right) websites, ensuring proper layout alignment based on language direction.
* Feature: Loop Carousel (Pro) - Implemented 'Auto Height' option. This new functionality adjusts the height of the slider dynamically based on the height of the current slide, providing a more adaptive and seamless user experience.
* Feature: Justified Image Carousel (Pro) - Option to fix the broken layout (resulting in a duplicate carousel) caused by delayed image loading, this solution verifies that the images are loaded before initializing the carousel.
* Feature: Remote Tabs (Pro) - Introduced styling options for Border Radius, Border, and Shadow for the image of the active tab.
* Feature: Layers (Pro) - Added background color, padding and radius for text fields.
* Feature: WhatsApp Chat (Pro) - z-index option for Popup, allowing users to customize the stacking order of the Popup for better control over its visibility in relation to other elements.
* Feature: WhatsApp Chat (Pro) - Introduced option to customize the Popup Title, along with styling options for enhanced visual control and personalization.
* Feature: Swipe Carousel (Pro) - Introduced 'Additional Title' options. This new functionality expands customization by providing additional settings for titles, allowing users to further enhance the visual presentation of titles within the widget.
* Feature: Content Grid (Pro) - Introduced 'Image Scale' option. This new functionality allows users to scale the images, providing enhanced control over the visual presentation within the widget.
* Feature: Fullscreen Menu (Free) - Implemented feature - automatically opens menu item if it matches the current page URL.
* Feature: Post Grid (Pro) - Added Option to show post tags, providing users with the ability to showcase tags associated with each post.
* Feature: Post Magazine Grid (Pro) - Introduced 'Image Scale' and 'CSS Filters' options along with the hover transition duration for enhanced image customization.
* Feature: Card Carousel (Free) - Implemented 'Image Position' option. This new functionality allows users to customize the position of image within the widget, providing enhanced control over the visual layout.
* Feature: Layers (Pro) - Added mouse parallax effect, adds a captivating and interactive dimension to the user interface.
* Feature: Swipe Carousel (Pro) - Introduced additional styling options. This new set of functionalities allows users to further customize and refine the visual appearance of the widget, providing enhanced styling possibilities.
* Feature: Mega Menu (Pro) - Implemented 'Close Transition Speed' option. This new functionality enables users to set the speed of close animations for the dropdown, enhancing visual transitions and customization.
* Feature: Unlimited Carousel (Pro) - Added 'Image Position' option, allowing users to customize the position of the image above or below the content for enhanced layout flexibility.
* Feature: Layers (Pro) - Implemented motion effects—now elements can bounce up and down and move left to right for a livelier interface.
* Feature: Unlimited Google Maps (Pro) - Implemented 'Center Info Window' option. This new functionality allows users to center the info window on the map, providing enhanced visibility and focus on the selected location.
* Feature: Unlimited Google Maps (Pro) - Implemented 'Close After Outside Info Window Click' option. This new functionality allows users to close the info window after clicking outside of it on the map, enhancing user interaction and control.
* Feature: Layers (Pro) - Implemented responsive settings for individual layers, allowing users to toggle each layer on or off based on the specific device requirements.
* Feature: Image Accordion (Pro) - Added 'Title HTML Tag' option, providing users with better SEO control by allowing customization of HTML tags for widget titles.
* Feature: Content Tabs (Free) - Introduced option to fire a resize event on tab click, ensuring proper functionality of other widgets inside tab content for a smoother and more seamless user experience.
* Feature: Event List (Pro) - Implemented 'Remove Expired Event Item' option. This new functionality allows users to automatically remove event items that have expired, streamlining content management within the widget.
* Feature: Post Grid (Pro) - Added typography option for post tags, allowing users to customize the font style, size, and other typographic attributes.
* Feature: Event List (Pro) - Implemented 'Horizontal Align' option. This new functionality allows users to customize the horizontal alignment of the button, providing enhanced control over the layout within the widget.
* Feature: vCard (Pro) - Introduced option to include social media links in downloadable VCF contact file, enhancing contact information with additional social network profiles for improved connectivity.
* Change: Toggle Text Button (Free) - Upgraded textarea to full functionality editor, providing users with enhanced editing capabilities.
* Change: vCard (Pro) - Updated vCard JavaScript library to the latest version, ensuring compatibility with current standards and latest feature availability.
* Fix: Woo Product List (Free) - Introduced 'Layout Type' option. This new functionality allows users to set the layout as either column or row, providing flexibility in organizing and displaying content within the widget.
* Fix: vCard (Pro) - Resolved issue where QR code was not scanning on some apps.
* Fix: Hotspots (Pro) - Rebuilt JavaScript code for better interaction. Removed unnecessary code to optimize performance and streamline functionality.
* Fix: Sideways Vertical Text (Pro) - Text layout shifting issue on Safari browser.
* Fix: Content Tabs (Free) - Resolved issue with scrolling to the top of the page after tab click. The fix ensures that tab clicks no longer trigger unintended scrolling to the top, providing a smoother user experience.
* Fix: Fullscreen Menu (Free) - Resolved issue with the vertical scrollbar appearing on hover.
* Fix: Testimonial Carousel (Pro) - The issue where styling attributes (size and color) for SVG icons were not taking effect.
* Fix: Content Tabs (Free) - Resolved issue in Content Tabs when Before After widget couldn't function inside tabs. The fix ensures proper functionality, allowing users to utilize the widget as intended.
* Fix: Woo Product Grid (Pro) - Added image HTML attributes to product images.
* Fix: Fullscreen Menu (Free) - Resolved issue where the size of social icons wasn't responding to the option value. The fix ensures that the specified option value now accurately reflects the size of social icons.
* Fix: Counter (Free) - Removed unnecessary space in 'Before Text' and 'After Text' options. This update improves the clarity and presentation of the text by eliminating unnecessary spacing.
* Fix: Content Tabs (Free) - Added support for Elementor Tabs widget. This enhancement ensures seamless integration and compatibility, allowing users to incorporate the widget effortlessly within Elementor Tabs.
* Fix: Fullscreen Menu (Free) - Resolved an issue where incorrect icons were being displayed after selecting a menu item.
* Fix: Woo Mini Cart (Pro) - Improved widget compatibility with optimization plugins like WP Rocket. This update ensures seamless integration, optimizing performance and enhancing the overall user experience when using these plugins.
* Fix: Post Accordion (Free) - Updated post content loading method to resolve the issue where, on some sites, post content was not displaying correctly.
* Fix: Dropdown Field (Pro) - Fixed an issue when Dropdown Field couldn't parse Field Name to Number Field widget.
* Fix: Card Carousel (Free) - Resolved issue where Transition Speed wasn't working for non-default animations. The fix ensures that Transition Speed now functions correctly for all animations, providing consistent and reliable behavior.
* Fix: Unlimited Google Maps (Pro) - Removed default 2px border with blue color from one of the map elements. This update improves the visual presentation by eliminating an unnecessary border.
-change: removed some vulnerability related to templates import
-feature: added some suggestion text to add some memory in the troubleshooting section in case that needed
-bug fix: the wrong author was displayed in loop post meta data
-bug fix: do_shortcode to html items inside the grid and dynamic loop
-update: Updated Freemius SDK to the latest version
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