EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin

Untouched EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.8 (Untouched)

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4.6.8 (2024-8-19) =
FIXED: shortcode data get_event_ids() causing database load
FIXED: event date format with - not showing correct in eventcard
FIXED: consolidate shortcode genrator class
FIXED: shortcode heavy queries run on each page to get simple list
FIXED: Event edit details not showing in block editor
FIXED: search bar not opening up
FIXED: import settings to refresh page after success
FIXED: settings event paging to use wp cache based calls
4.6.4 (2024-5-7) =
ADDED: location latlon error API notices to show on page
ADDED: settings new settings field support for addons
ADDED: evo_lang function for javascript
ADDED: image loading text for feature image
FIXED: undefined errors in get_translated_datetime()
FIXED: custom date format not working with \ special characters
FIXED: image lightbox clicks open blank lightbox
FIXED: filter bar opening on multiple calendars on same page
FIXED: single event shortcode generator events list order by event title AZ
UPDATED: Font awesome library to version 6.5.2
= 4.5.1 (2023-9-14) =
ADDED: new side panel based icon selector
FIXED: outputting errors after sanitizing settings values
FIXED: move year long events to end
FIXED: organizer click action do nothing not showing organizer names
FIXED: Settings color title showing hex color
FIXED: Live progress bar color changes not reflecting on frontend
FIXED: icon selector
FIXED: eventtop field values not processed correct in settings
UPDATED: healthcare content default color to evo_color_1
July 7, 2023

= 4.4.1 (2023-7-10) =
ADDED: ability to hide images for releates events from event edit page
FIXED: schedule view responsive styles
FIXED: happening now styles
FIXED: include any posts not working with event post type validation
FIXED: universal time format not working on eventcard
FIXED: monthly repeat day of the week not saving correct
FIXED: new endpoint ajax call loading other content and breaking the calendar
FIXED: legacy lightbox close button DOM type to span
FIXED: lightbox event progress bar timer not working
FIXED: lightbox events opened from organizer does not load map
FIXED: organizer events on lightbox not running event progress timer
FIXED: search not working with apostrophe
FIXED: utilized wp_send_json() in ajax results
= 4.4 (2023-6-9) =
ADDED: location and organizer term ID on term edit page form
ADDED: endpoint based ajax call method to speed up ajax requests
ADDED: evo_slidedown_eventcard_complete trigger for single event box
ADDED: appearance settings to adjust eventtop hover left border size
ADDED: support for full site editing themes
ADDED: ability to download each event as CSV data in event edit
FIXED: Automatic conversion of false to array class-calendar-helper.php on line 504
FIXED: get directions not working when google maps API is disabled
FIXED: ux_val 3a not showing google maps
FIXED: schedule view formatting
FIXED: share on whatsapp text translation
FIXED: addons page lightbox title missing and other errors
FIXED: clear filter not working
FIXED: single event page title text encoding
FIXED: download events as CSV special character encoding
FIXED: download events as CSV event location data error
FIXED: event organizer page organize image bad cropping
FIXED: event edit page notice message when no custom fields activated
FIXED: security vulnerability in eventon_ics_download
UPDATED: event organizer lightbox styles and code
UPDATED: admin welcome screen design and layout
UPDATED: cal_id value no longer needed but still supported
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