Selling CASE STUDY : How I Recently Turned $37 Into $705 In A Few Days With A Simple Offer!

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CASE STUDY : How I Recently Turned $37 Into $705 In A Few Days With A Simple Offer!

Why This Is So Powerful And How You Can Easily Profit From It Too!

The Background
What I Did And How I Did It?
The Results Analysis
The Wins & Fails
The Takeaways

The Background

Traditionally, to build a list you would create a squeeze page and have an opt-in form on it so people can pop in their email address and subscribe. Nothing wrong with that.

However, I was also a big fan of the "Free With A Checkout" alternative method. If you are unfamiliar with that, here's how it works...

You have a free front end lead magnet but, instead of putting an opt-in form on your landing page, you put a buy button.

A buy button with a difference. The purchase price is $0.

Thing is, going through a checkout process seems to put people into a "buying frame of mind". Something to do with the dopamine hit to the brain that we get when we acquire something new.

That means the conversions for bumps and upsells are far higher than if a simple opt-in form is used.

This was most powerful in WarriorPlus.

I have a free offer on WarriorPlus that adds leads and makes sales every month and it has done for over 4 years from internal traffic in the WarriorPlus marketplace.

The Problem

Well, the problems started when a couple of w***ers abused the system.

WarriorPlus then severely restricted free offers being shown in the marketplace.

The second blow came recently.

Now only "top vendors" on the platform with a "strong track record" can create a free product.

Not sure what the requirements are but it kind of rules out anyone who is a newer marketer just starting on there.

Sure you can still use Thrivecart for this but it doesn't have the marketplace and the internal traffic.

So I decided to test it out for myself

I created a $1 offer and it took in $705 in 9 days (and sales are still dropping in a month after the promo)

And on this page you can get all of the things I learned...

Was I happy with the result?

Yes. I got a 1800% return on my investment. Where else could I do that risk free in 9 days?

Could it have been better?

Yes. There are things I would do differently in the future

Did I learn from it?

Yes. Lots.

I have written up the whole experiment - exactly how I approached it, exactly what I did - into a no fluff 22-page case study that you can download today.

Which means that you can see all the wins and fails. All the thought process. All the things that were right with the offer and some things that were wrong...

So you can put your own offers together and tap into this amazing method yourself!

Not Only Are You Seeing My Thought Process And Workflow, You Will See Exactly How Things Happened In A Full Analysis.

And Also Get The Key Takeaways For You To Set Up Your Own Offer.

(and if you have never set up a WarriorPlus offer I have a bonus for you)

Here's What You Get...

The Full "No-Fluff Or Filler" 20 Page

Case Study

The Full Background
How I Made The Offer
The Funnel I Used
Honest Analysis Of The Results
What Could Have Made It Better
The Key Takeaways


Selling On WarriorPlus

A User-Friendly Guide

Part 1: Setting Up Your Product
Part 2: Setting Up the Offer
Part 3: Building Your Funnel
Part 4 – Understanding the Settings
Extra Ninja Tips And Points to Note!

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