Selling Rare Book Valued Over $1.5 Million Dollars that Fits for Royalty! - Napoleon Hill - Law Of Success

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Rare Book Valued Over $1.5 Million Dollars that Fits for Royalty! - Napoleon Hill - Law Of Success

Lesson 1 - Master Mind
Lesson 2 - A Defenite Chief Aim
Lesson 3 - Self Confidence
Lesson 4 - The Habit of Saving
Lesson 5 - Initiative and leadership
Lesson 6 - Imagination
Lesson 7 - Enthusiasm
Lesson 8 - Self Control.pdf
Lesson 9 - Habit of Doing More Than Paid For
Lesson 10 - Pleasing Personality
Lesson 11 - Accurate Thought
Lesson 12 - Concentration
Lesson 13 - Co-operation
Lesson 14 - Failure
Lesson 15 - Tolerance
Lesson 16 - The Golden Rule

This book is the result of careful analysis of the
life-work of over one hundred men and women who
have achieved unusual success in their respective

The author of this book has been more than
twenty years in gathering, classifying, testing and
organizing the Fifteen Laws upon which the course is
based. In his labor he has received valuable assistance
either in person or by studying the life-work of the
following men:

Henry Ford
Edward Bok
Thomas A. Edison
Cyrus H. K. Curtis
Harvey S. Firestone
George W. Perkins
John D. Rockefeller
Henry L. Doherty
Charles M. Schwab
George S. Parker
Woodrow Wilson
Dr. C. O. Henry
Darwin P. Kingsley General
Rufus A. Ayers
Wm. Wrigley, Jr.
Judge Elbert H. Gary
A. D. Lasker
William Howard Taft
E. A. Filene
Dr. Elmer Gates
James J. Hill
John W. Davis
Captain George M. Alex-
Samuel Insulander (To whom the F.W. Woolworth author was formerly Judge Daniel T. Wright an assistant) (One of the author’s
Hugh Chalmers law instructors)
Dr. E. W. Strickler
Elbert Hubbard
Edwin C. Barnes
Luther Burbank
Robert L. Taylor (Fiddling Bob)
O. H. Harriman
John Burroughs
George Eastman
E. H. Harriman
E. M. Statler
Charles P. Steinmetz
Andrew Carnegie
Frank Vanderlip
John Wanamaker
Theodore Roosevelt
Marshall Field
Wm. H. French
Dr. Alexander Graham Bell
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